@JastroOne1 I have restarted the game but it still doesn't work... QwQ Can I load it from other location such as /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/screenshots.?
@JastroOne1 it still didn't work when istore the picture in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2/files/UserData/CelestialDatabase/SupportFiles/6.png
@pedro16797 @pedro16797 I wanted to get a ring for the droo, but when I stored the texture in that folder as you said, it still wouldn't load. I put the u1. PNG stored in [the file/userdata/solarsystem/solarsystem1 (I used package to expand the folder)]. Then I put in the XML "<Rings innerRadius="1" outerRadius="1.5" rotation="0,10,0" texture=u1.png". But the ring turns white instead of the color of my texture.
@sflanker @sflanker My file storage path seems different from yours. My store path is "/ storage/emulated / 0 / Android/data/com. Jundroo. SimpleRockets2 / files/UserData/SolarSystems/"
@socialist 这个。。。。加QQ我教你用
4.8 years ago@socialist 你是?还有最新版是0.93
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 Android
4.8 years ago@socialist 这个。。。。得等你更新了才能用
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 I have restarted the game but it still doesn't work... QwQ Can I load it from other location such as /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/screenshots.?
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 it still didn't work when istore the picture in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.jundroo.SimpleRockets2/files/UserData/CelestialDatabase/SupportFiles/6.png
4.8 years ago@Insanity It doesn't work when I click on it, so you still need to copy the link
4.8 years ago@Insanity OK
4.8 years ago@NathanMikeska
4.8 years ago@GrayStar
4.8 years agoHow to upload my solarsystem?
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox what is planet studio
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 I store pictures in/storage/emulated / 0 / Android/data/com. Jundroo. SimpleRockets2 / files/GameData/SolarSystems/AC / 6. PNG, Then the solarsystem, XML input inside < Rings innerRadius = "1.05" outerRadius = "1.17" rotation = "45,22,4 position" = "100000,1,1" texture = "SimpleRockets2 / User/Data/CelestialDatabase/SupportFiles / 6. PNG" / > but it didn't work
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox OK thanks
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 thanks
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 thanks .Could you tell me where should i put the textures if i want to use it in my own solarsystem.
4.8 years ago@AndrewGarrison
4.8 years ago@JastroOne1 could you help me?
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox yes。。。but,i just want to change the engine input .i think i type the wrong input id: inputId="Throttle"
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox but the name of engine is DRONE and the program is in the engine
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox change it to <InputController input="DRONE.FlightProgram.T" currentValue="-0" min="-0" outputCurveOffset="-0" inputId="Throttle" />
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox could you help me?
4.8 years ago。
4.8 years ago@sujun 我是3387660196
4.8 years ago@zzazza 其实可以不用改XML,加个QQ吧!
4.8 years ago@zzazza 改文件就好了
4.8 years ago@zzazza 我现在可以了,你要不要试试
4.8 years ago@pedro16797 sorry....
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox thankyou
4.8 years ago@pedro16797
4.8 years ago。。
4.8 years ago。
4.8 years ago@AnotherFireFox https://www.simplerockets.com/c/9t1h5N/
4.9 years ago@AnotherFireFox Oh, I forgot to change it because I used pedro's code, but it still doesn't work after i change it
4.9 years ago@pedro16797
4.9 years ago@pedro16797 Can you teach me about flightdata inputs
4.9 years agoOk, thank you. How can I make a machine gun with Limited ammunition? I was frustrated that I couldn't reload automatically@pedro16797
4.9 years agoThat's why I asked pedro
4.9 years ago@NoIDontWanna I think I can achieve infinite generation of fast-moving chunks of structure by changing the way the XML is written
4.9 years ago=D
4.9 years ago@pedro16797
4.9 years ago@pedro16797 @pedro16797 I wanted to get a ring for the droo, but when I stored the texture in that folder as you said, it still wouldn't load. I put the u1. PNG stored in [the file/userdata/solarsystem/solarsystem1 (I used package to expand the folder)]. Then I put in the XML "<Rings innerRadius="1" outerRadius="1.5" rotation="0,10,0" texture=u1.png". But the ring turns white instead of the color of my texture.
4.9 years ago@pedro16797 OK
4.9 years ago@sflanker I want to make more stars but I don't know how to reference the texture I drew in solarsystem.xml file
4.9 years ago@sflanker There are some hidden texture (such as Planets/Textures/PlanetRingsUrados) I can't find it.
4.9 years ago@sflanker @sflanker My file storage path seems different from yours. My store path is "/ storage/emulated / 0 / Android/data/com. Jundroo. SimpleRockets2 / files/UserData/SolarSystems/"
4.9 years ago@JastroOne1 Can you tell me which piece of code you are referring to in the XML? By the way, is the shape of the land random?
4.9 years ago@NoIDontWanna OK。。。。。
4.9 years ago@SupremeDorian emm.... ok
4.9 years ago@Teague for missile.....
4.9 years ago