@AverageJoe Thanks for all your help. It is much appreciated. I have been tinkering with some variables tied to pitch and throttle. Some minor positive adjustments. I'm pretty sure I'm am on to something here. If I figure it out i will send you a link to the craft the program is being written for with the adjusted program. The craft is pretty cool. I cant take credit for the craft. My brother built it and sent me a beta version. He doesnt do the "online thing". lol. Thanks again for your help.
@zeropol Thanks again. After a few custom adjustments for my vehicle it worked perfectly, and now i have a basic understanding of "lists" and how they work.
I figured it out! Turns out I had to set pilot orientation to default on both the rover and the rocket. Set the rover to plane and the rocket to rocket, set the rocket as primary and voila. Not sure why that worked but it worked. Thank for the help.
@TestRunner Thanks for the reply. After about an hour of messing around in planet studio I figured it out. Little confusing but it worked. I guess after you do it few times i gets easier. Thanks again
@TronicOrbital I was talking about the camera as a part. But i think i see the problem now. I am assuming the camera rotate command in vizzy may be for the in game camera only. I can put the camera part on a rotator but i was hoping to avoid that with the vizzzy command.
@AverageJoe I may be on to something here. .....not as accurate as i like but maybe a start. this programs has a little more to it than needed as it does other things on the original craft it is on. but this one is supposed to (when the calculated angle is reached) lock on retro, slow down to a 200 m hover and wait until you want to land. It is very early in the brain scratching vizzy, but does sorta work. let me know if it helps.
@sflanker No, selecting the command chip on the rover does not fix the issue. i have been over my programming and no replication. i'm stumped. here's a link in case your still interested. Side door and roof radar stop working when astronaut has entered vehicle. https://www.simplerockets.com/c/Y6IqJj/help
@TestRunner THANKS! It works 100x better. I didn't think the balance would have that kind of effect on the steering. I must have just missed the traction thing. I will certainly keep an eye on the balance . Thanks a million. Much Appreciated.
@SmurfResearchX Glad to hear Its not just me. If I find a solution I will send you a message. I never had this issues on any vehicle until lately, last couple of weeks, and it just a handful of vehicles. some work perfectly other wobble. All my vehicles use the same basic settings so I'm very lost on this issue.
@TestRunner Sorry. Here's a link to the craft. It seems to me every time I lock the heading to either prograde or current heading the steering turns back and forth.
@SelectAKey Thanks for the info. I will let you know if I need further help. I have looked for other craft with similar functions. Not many out there yet. But will take another look. Thanks again.
@sflanker I just set my target from map view and my vehicle goes there. Also, where do i find these /dist/ and convert commands? are they custom? what is the <? Sorry for all the questions, been playing SR2 for a while now ,im just now starting to use vizzy so still trying to figure out a lot.
@Shmexysmpilot Thanks for the tips. reading your response I now realize I was looking at it totally backwards. lol. thanks. I'll keep you posted if I figure it out.
@Shmexysmpilot I'm not very good with Vizzy yet. Starting to familiarize myself with it lately. Not at at familiar with a the PID controller thing. I tried to make it turn towards a target with no luck using nav-heading, yaw axis, target position, input roll, input yaw, and some others all with no luck. any ideas?
@hcbyj I figured it out using exactly what you stated below. While True. works great Now I have to figure out how to make a rover auto steer toward a target. Any Ideas? Thanks for the response.
I say take away the points thing all together. I would much rather read a comment saying "nice craft" or "cool", then to see "upvotes".
+2 3.7 years agoAnyone else having a problem saving launch location in the newest release? No matter what I do nothing saves.
+2 4.0 years agoEngineering Juno
+1 2.6 years ago@AverageJoe Thanks for all your help. It is much appreciated. I have been tinkering with some variables tied to pitch and throttle. Some minor positive adjustments. I'm pretty sure I'm am on to something here. If I figure it out i will send you a link to the craft the program is being written for with the adjusted program. The craft is pretty cool. I cant take credit for the craft. My brother built it and sent me a beta version. He doesnt do the "online thing". lol. Thanks again for your help.
+1 3.3 years ago@AverageJoe thanks. I will try some of these suggestions. I will let you know how or if it works out. Thanks for the response.
+1 3.3 years ago@QarabinaKa Thanks for the help. I'll try it out today. Thanks.
+1 4.1 years ago@zeropol Thanks again. After a few custom adjustments for my vehicle it worked perfectly, and now i have a basic understanding of "lists" and how they work.
+1 4.4 years ago@zeropol thank you. That helps. Trying learn this vizzy stuff.
+1 4.4 years agoI figured it out! Turns out I had to set pilot orientation to default on both the rover and the rocket. Set the rover to plane and the rocket to rocket, set the rocket as primary and voila. Not sure why that worked but it worked. Thank for the help.
+1 4.5 years ago@TestRunner Thanks for the reply. After about an hour of messing around in planet studio I figured it out. Little confusing but it worked. I guess after you do it few times i gets easier. Thanks again
+1 4.6 years agothanks everyone for the help. Got it figured out.
+1 4.6 years ago@QarabinaKa Thanks a lot . worked fantastic. Cant believe I struggled for two days with some this simple. Your the best.
+1 4.6 years ago@ChaoticGraviton This would be great! I just want to use them for exhaust effect (no to little power). Fingers crossed. Thanks for the response.
1.7 years ago@TronicOrbital I was talking about the camera as a part. But i think i see the problem now. I am assuming the camera rotate command in vizzy may be for the in game camera only. I can put the camera part on a rotator but i was hoping to avoid that with the vizzzy command.
2.4 years ago@SamTheFox Nope! cant seem to get it to work.
2.4 years ago@Pedro will do that tonight. thank you.
2.8 years agoThe latest update seems to have broken my cameras that were set on activation groups. Weird.
2.8 years agoBreaking on wheels seems to have been messed up a little. little to no braking on any of my rovers or planes.
3.0 years ago@AverageJoe I may be on to something here. .....not as accurate as i like but maybe a start. this programs has a little more to it than needed as it does other things on the original craft it is on. but this one is supposed to (when the calculated angle is reached) lock on retro, slow down to a 200 m hover and wait until you want to land. It is very early in the brain scratching vizzy, but does sorta work. let me know if it helps.
3.3 years ago@NotAGopnik all good. Trying some trigonometry equations. with signs of some success. If I figure it out I'll let you know.
3.3 years ago@NotAGopnik thank you. much appreciated.
3.3 years ago@plane918273645 Angle from my craft down to the target.
3.3 years ago@NeoStarAerospace Thank you! Does exactly what i needed it to do.
3.5 years ago@plane918273645 Tried that. No luck.
3.9 years ago@Chtite451SR2 Thanks. Hopefully they fix it soon.
4.0 years ago@NebulaSpaceAgency Hope they come out with a fix soon. @AndrewGarrison
4.0 years ago@QarabinaKa thanks! Just what i needed. Worked perfectly. I will figure out this MFS stuff eventually. lol.
4.1 years ago@sflanker Thank You. I will mess around a bit more now with your help. Much appreciated.
4.2 years ago@sflanker That worded . thank you so much.
4.5 years ago@sflanker No, selecting the command chip on the rover does not fix the issue. i have been over my programming and no replication. i'm stumped. here's a link in case your still interested. Side door and roof radar stop working when astronaut has entered vehicle. https://www.simplerockets.com/c/Y6IqJj/help
4.5 years ago@TestRunner Forgot to mention, I love the cable bridge concept. Could come in use for my mars base.
4.5 years ago@TestRunner THANKS! It works 100x better. I didn't think the balance would have that kind of effect on the steering. I must have just missed the traction thing. I will certainly keep an eye on the balance . Thanks a million. Much Appreciated.
4.5 years ago@SmurfResearchX Glad to hear Its not just me. If I find a solution I will send you a message. I never had this issues on any vehicle until lately, last couple of weeks, and it just a handful of vehicles. some work perfectly other wobble. All my vehicles use the same basic settings so I'm very lost on this issue.
4.5 years ago@sflanker Thanks for your help I will try adjusting the Prop and deriv in auto pilot. Much appreciated.
4.5 years ago@TestRunner Sorry. Here's a link to the craft. It seems to me every time I lock the heading to either prograde or current heading the steering turns back and forth.
4.5 years agoNo suspension.
4.5 years ago@SelectAKey Thanks for the info. I will let you know if I need further help. I have looked for other craft with similar functions. Not many out there yet. But will take another look. Thanks again.
4.5 years ago@SelectAKey I'm a little new to the vizzy thing. Can you give me a rough example maybe.
4.5 years ago@Hannah1212 thanks for your help. Much appreciated.
4.6 years ago@LofiTurtle thank you . I will try them today and let you know. I appreciate the help a lot as i am new to the vizzy thing.
4.6 years ago@Hannah1212 It been uploaded as "p rover". Not to familiar with vizzy yet. any help would be appreciated. thankx
4.6 years agothe only part im having an issue with is ....[convert [$yourdestinationcoords] to position]. little lost here
4.6 years ago@sflanker I just set my target from map view and my vehicle goes there. Also, where do i find these /dist/ and convert commands? are they custom? what is the <? Sorry for all the questions, been playing SR2 for a while now ,im just now starting to use vizzy so still trying to figure out a lot.
4.6 years ago@Shmexysmpilot Thanks for the tips. reading your response I now realize I was looking at it totally backwards. lol. thanks. I'll keep you posted if I figure it out.
4.6 years ago@Shmexysmpilot I'm not very good with Vizzy yet. Starting to familiarize myself with it lately. Not at at familiar with a the PID controller thing. I tried to make it turn towards a target with no luck using nav-heading, yaw axis, target position, input roll, input yaw, and some others all with no luck. any ideas?
4.6 years ago@Insanity Any ideas on how to make a rover auto steer to a target? Been trying that for a a couple days now?
4.6 years ago@plane918273645 Thanks. Adjusted. works great.
4.6 years ago@hcbyj I figured it out using exactly what you stated below. While True. works great Now I have to figure out how to make a rover auto steer toward a target. Any Ideas? Thanks for the response.
4.6 years agoIs it possible to run a program on an infinite loop?
4.6 years agoThank you so much Qarabinaka, that worked perfectly. Now I can add some extra features. Cool. Thanks.
4.6 years ago