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    @t4zcomz in vizzy under variables (the x icon) the 3. block says something Alain the lines of “set variable … to user input …” the info of the block says it opens a input box where the user can provide input.
    The idea was to frequently sow that wait for a command or a special “no command” command then act execute the appropriate vizzy code.

    3.5 years ago
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    This is the OCR software I was using https://tesseract-ocr.github.io while experimenting I found that text that is similar to sentences humans would write so in fact “START DATA FUEL 100%.” Is better than “Fuel: 100%”. The dot works better than something like “END DATA” I assume because it’s closer to how humans read and therefore closer to what the OCE was programmed to process.

    I did mean to transmit data on a signal transported via sound (modulation is the word I think) knowing that a command could be issued per frame is useful here.

    There appears to be a way to take keyboard input via a special input field that passes that as user input directly to the vizzy I was thinking about using that and if it does not work doing it like you describe even though yes it is a bit prone to break.

    I don’t want to use game hacking tools those are more a last resort thing it would work but requires an amount of effort I don’t want to put in.

    Given by the complexity of the vizzy program required to establish minimal communication and that I did not find a way to back that script up I won’t be perusing this way any longer.

    I found this https://labs.library.concordia.ca/blog/kerbal-space-program-let-python-put-you-into-orbit/ I think it is what I will use for R&D for stuff where “real world” programming is required and keep sticking to SimpleRockets2 for when other areas needed.

    Thanks everyone for your comments and special thanks to @t4zcomz.

    3.6 years ago
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    @t4zcomz I was thinking about using https://frida.re/ initially but the thing is that is a really advanced tool and I don't want to spend time learning it but that would allow read/write access to process memory and would be a really performant "communication".

    What I tried just now is to periodically take a screenshot of the games UI and run an ORC (tesseract) over it. This is what I found:
    - Although I can read data from the window that shows info like fuel and such it is really inaccurate
    - The OCR performs better when I just take several screenshots of smaller regions however since the OCR does take quite a while (~1sec) to compute that is not the way I'm going
    - Screenshotting only the stuff written via die "display command" is difficult since it has no alignment (it's possible but I'm already tied so I didn't want to write the code for that)
    - However using the "log command" works very well when sticking to upper case letters and sending the same information several times because the OCR scrues some of them up I'm thinking of "accepting" a value when it occurs 3 times or something like that.

    The code is actually quite simple (Note I'm on macOS the code must be changed to run on Windows).

    import os
    import time

    while True:
    os.system("screencapture test.png")
    os.system("tesseract test.png out")
    with open("./out.txt", "r") as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
    if "START DATA" in line:

    I will keep investigating this way and maybe a better way will come along in the future. As for sending information aka commands to SimpleRockets2 I have not tried that yet but should be trivial via a simulated keyboard.

    Let me know what you think. Maybe I will open a git repo if others are interested in this approach as well.

    3.6 years ago