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    should name it tottally accuarate physics simulator

    +13 2.6 years ago
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    Epic troll right here guys

    +6 5.5 years ago
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    and all it took is doing it directly in front of you

    +4 3.7 years ago
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    i would recommend taking a break, you've worked too much <3

    +4 4.3 years ago
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    first to comment!

    +4 4.7 years ago
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    New parts

    1-A fuselage block like part but it's called explosives bigger the size bigger the explosion (makes a bigger explosion than normal fuselages about 300%)
    1a- A button part to make the explosive block explode (we could put the button on the end of a bomb and would detonate the explosives)
    1b- A fuse part this would activate the moment the bomb dissconects from the main craft and you could change the time of detonation so if you had an a-bomb it would detonate in mid air
    2- Target guided bomb this woud be it's own part because making it procedual would be nearly impossible it works like this:
    *Target something on the ground by clicking it and targeting it
    *when de bomb gets dropped it tries to hit the target by gliding
    3- AtA missiles
    4- different types of explosives...idk c-4 uranium hidrogen you can go crazy with this

    ideas for guns

    1- more types of guns gatlings, revolver cannons, auto-cannons
    2-different types of amunition (i'm fine with explosive and different color tracers patterns)
    3-effects like water splashes when a bullet hits it and earth too
    4-more customization ej
    This would only affect auto cannons
    Bigger housing gives slower rof but less recoil
    A smaller housing gives more rof but higher recoil
    For gatlings and revolver cannons
    They have a lot more rpm but also have a lot more recoil
    Revolver cannons would be a lot lighter than gatlings but they would overheat a lot more so they would have to shoot in bursts of 20 rounds every 2 or 3 seconds
    5- ammo count you could add a box that we could type there the number of bullets the bigger the number the more heavy the gun becomes

    And thats about it

    +4 5.5 years ago
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    Can't wait for the next one

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    Cowstronaut! 💖

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    Buena suerte diego

    +3 3.8 years ago
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    Ok but when are we removing all the kids

    +3 3.9 years ago
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    +3 5.2 years ago
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    i can almost feel the boosters landing by themselves

    +3 5.3 years ago
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    @MarioG we will break all of your employees bones if you don't start paying us the Cargo plane we sold you...

    Sincerely: Lechita

    +3 5.6 years ago
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    @PasonJawulo the complex part appears when you try to make something that's actually good, and then you get plagued with bugs and glitches

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    It's cringe aha aha aha aha

    +2 4.1 years ago
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    the title has no relation to the post what so ever

    +2 4.5 years ago
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    It's super nice to have such nice moderators as @Clory and @sflanker

    +2 4.6 years ago
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    Super cool i been looking for this for too long!

    +2 5.2 years ago
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    @KraZIvan thanks for understanding

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    @KraZIvan sorry i can not give details of the last craft

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    Proud to help NroM!

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    aircraft machineguns!!!
    if u do i can help you with the different effects of barrel lenght bulled diameter or function (rotating chamber basically an auto revolver) (rotating chamber+barrels basically a gatling)

    +2 5.6 years ago
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    @Bmcclory thanks, i love your dog!

    +2 5.6 years ago
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    i would like to build bases on another planets/moons
    it would work like this
    -design a base using pre-existing parts
    -games calculates the cost and the materials
    -make a materials/supply part
    -you have to take the materials to the other planets/moons using rockets
    -base build time depends on how many supplies you get there
    -base is builded
    -you can take off from that base when it's done
    -life support modules
    -fuel generator based on the regolith of the planet/moon
    -antenas (idk what function they would have)
    -lauch pads

    +2 5.8 years ago
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    finally dummies can sit

    +2 6.0 years ago
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    @iOpportunity i'll do it

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    @iOpportunity nope

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    @iOpportunity i was searching for mayan temples

    +2 6.2 years ago
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    +2 6.2 years ago
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    i don't mean to brag but B)

    +1 9 months ago
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    this is great. amazing job. +extra cuz of touhou profile pic lmao

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    @LenatezSpaceAgency2 do I have to put a massive disclaimer saying this is a joke?
    I literally put "I'm leaving forever" followed by "anyways check out my newest craft"

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    you weren't supposed to do it...

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    @SoulBlazer ok but when are we removing all the kids

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    @YaMomzBox420 too much text

    +1 3.9 years ago
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    About time someone steps up about this,thank you

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @Ctmlaerospase can't you just say all that in one comment?

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    @Ctmlaerospase i did

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    +1 4.5 years ago
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    +1 4.7 years ago
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    @sflanker i tried the conveyor belt thing it works pretty well.
    What i use for deploying cargo is just a small box with tiny wheels (since in my craft fuel tanks and struts don't seem to collide with the cargo bays) and that always works. Also remember to perfectly align the ramp with the cargo bay or you won't be able to load cargo into the plane

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    @KraZIvan haha this one took weeksand still isn't finished

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    who would have thought that the OG viewer would end up being a mod

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    CONGRATS!!!! @SupremeDorian

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    Pjork did it again

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    I hope i can do some really unstable fly by wire planes ;)

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    1_ I discovered the game thanks to the devs when they announced it.(i had my sp account for at least 3 years)

    2_my favourite part about the game is the customization by having procedual parts you can do whatever you want and the limit is your imagination

    3_I love it! Since i joined everyone has been really helpful,i personally think that you can have any problem/question and someone will have the answer

    4_Well this is a hard one first we need to know what it means. The name is in spanish and it means something like tiny milk or milky this in spanish can aslo mean really bad stuff that is associated with reproduction...
    But to me it's just tiny milk
    And in the lore of lechita the name was chosen because Lechita started as a milk farm
    In reality i was messing with my brother in sp and we made a plane that looked like a milk truck so we called it
    Camion de Lechita

    5_I do have some advice
    -If you have a problem don't blame the game and quit it just go to forums or SimpleRockets Chat (discord) and ask for help i'm sure you'll get some
    -Choose a good color palette your crafts don't need to look like a clown on a paintball field
    -more boosters isn't always better since it can make your craft look bad
    -Don't post crafts looking for upvotes that won't take you far
    -Make custom cockpits! They are great! :D

    +1 5.3 years ago