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    Hemm... Inlets are weird...

    Look at this shape

    2.5 years ago
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    @SamTheFox depending of your anle of view.
    But, I think I'm a vanilla muffin.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @pedro16797 The bug report for the parachutes : Pain

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @pedro16797 in fact some of my funks instruction disapeared after the update .
    For exemple, iI had this for the steering control of my front wheels in a sport vehicle : Yaw / ( lateral.velocity.speed(something thing like that) x 0.4 ) .
    But after updating into the 0.9.902.0 I got this: Imput controller : Yaw
    I don't know what happened there but this is extremly weird .
    And , yes I will do a bug repport for the chutes.
    Thx, have a good day!

    2.6 years ago
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    @pedro16797 Wheels dont even work for me :'( .
    Torque don't go over 0.005 torque in flight .
    And some of my funk contolling disapeard ...
    A lot of other things bug sometimes , like : engines won't chang isp during flight, game crashes because of xml edited texture and parachute make the craft spin like crazy .
    Still not verry stable...
    But thank you for your work :)

    +2 2.6 years ago
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    The logo: "please don't turn me into an oversimplified logo!"

    +6 3.6 years ago
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    I know!
    There is probabely a new cockpit .
    But the astronaut position is special, I think in the future update we could change the astronauts positions like we want !

    4.0 years ago