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    It's a good way of getting more DeltaV out of Nuclear Thermal engines, but adds more mass then Liquid Hydrogen and increases burn time. I use it for huge ships as it seems to be the most efficient fuel aside from Xenon

    5.2 years ago
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    New Ship



    Tydos Shipyards™ MK1 Explorer, a way to explorer without worrying about fuel
    [Image Link] ]https://jundroo.blob.core.windows.net/simplerockets/files/2019/12/10/yte2Gz/UserView-0.jpg

    5.2 years ago
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    Science blog for the game I mentioned https://childrenofadeadearth.wordpress.com/


    Fusion Propulsion 101:



    Scott Manley series:



    +1 5.2 years ago