It's a good way of getting more DeltaV out of Nuclear Thermal engines, but adds more mass then Liquid Hydrogen and increases burn time. I use it for huge ships as it seems to be the most efficient fuel aside from Xenon
Tydos Shipyards™ MK1 Explorer, a way to explorer without worrying about fuel
[Image Link] ]
It's a good way of getting more DeltaV out of Nuclear Thermal engines, but adds more mass then Liquid Hydrogen and increases burn time. I use it for huge ships as it seems to be the most efficient fuel aside from Xenon
5.2 years ago-
New Ship
5.2 years agoTydos Shipyards™ MK1 Explorer, a way to explorer without worrying about fuel
[Image Link] ]
Science blog for the game I mentioned
Fusion Propulsion 101:
Scott Manley series:
+1 5.2 years ago