@Gen3ralInterstel1ar hey ik u wont sya yes im just asking so my brain will shutup can you release it early cause i just got the pc version and i need to make oofspace 2
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok thx for going through all that trouble for the oofspace center of and btw I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital! Although I'm staying for the next week just incase
So uh I got shot at work as an officer for BMPD S.W.A.T so sry if you liked my posts ik you followed me and you were a real help sometimes lolBut my doctor says I can't use my right hand too much or I'll need more surgery so say bye to daily posts lol
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok nice can u add a launch site with a hopper and sounding pad dishes a normal pad and a sighn that says oof space preferably with a vab
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar also we can make delays if you need too also rember I'm from beiruit and only know English for the stock market and am learning new words every day and I am not too active because I am one of the less violent protestors on the streets of Lebanon
@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok lol my inner sr2 need stopped bugging me
+1 2.6 years agoNOTICE:the Juno stat cluster is here https://www.simplerockets.com/PlanetarySystems/View/y2qtS8/Juno-Star-cluster
+1 2.6 years agoTake this with a gran of salt. I think renaming it is a great idea but Juno just doesn't really hit the spot
+1 2.6 years agoHi welcome I'm new 2
+1 2.8 years agoPlease stop this hes right
+1 2.9 years agoThe launch was a total success the rocket will be released soon!
2.5 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar hey ik u wont sya yes im just asking so my brain will shutup can you release it early cause i just got the pc version and i need to make oofspace 2
2.6 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar thx
2.6 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok thx for going through all that trouble for the oofspace center of and btw I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital! Although I'm staying for the next week just incase
2.6 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar how long should it take
2.6 years agoDam this is good but yea droo is a good idea
2.6 years agoLol
2.6 years agoIt's happeningggggggg I can finally annoy my gf about the new Juno star cluster
2.6 years agoUpdate I couldn't do this cause my arm was getting bad
2.6 years agoBTW guys this craft is from before the incdent
2.6 years agoThis will now be called "the incident" from now on
2.6 years agoOk cool
2.6 years agoAlready*
2.6 years agoThx alor I explained in one of ur last posts why I haven't responded since
2.6 years agoSo uh I got shot at work as an officer for BMPD S.W.A.T so sry if you liked my posts ik you followed me and you were a real help sometimes lolBut my doctor says I can't use my right hand too much or I'll need more surgery so say bye to daily posts lol
2.6 years agoI@Gen3ralInterstel1ar I'm so sry for not responding lemme explain why I hope you underatand
2.6 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar yes the skylon part was kinda funny with the stuff the assistants said
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar I was talking to other guy lol
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar hey I watched that too gotta admit it was cool
2.8 years ago@Ooflauncher1 so sry about my company name
2.8 years ago@Ooflauncher1 also I'm sorry I never knew about you and just wanted to fit in with all the American players
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar k thx no rush man
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar That's fine for now but it could use some satellite dishes and a sighn if possible
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar nice vehicle
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox oh sry I was waiting a response its posted now
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox the TH4 has bean announced get so can we start on vizzy for the landing?
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox when I announce the th4
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox also the th2 was abandononded due to the upcoming th3 and 4
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox I'd prefer the th3 but you can pick and chose for the lp1 and infayeet
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ima go to bed
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok nice
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar oh ok also can you if you do make another floating one make it for smaller rockets
2.8 years agoOne seck ima do something with these tanking stocks before they go below profit margins
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok so can you do it in anywhere close to the equator
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar or do you have plans for that area
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar is there anywhere available at the equator?
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar thx if u do iys fine if it's too hard
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar ok nice can u add a launch site with a hopper and sounding pad dishes a normal pad and a sighn that says oof space preferably with a vab
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar what's the focus of the update?
2.8 years ago@SamTheFox did u see the message that's pinned
2.8 years agoIt's a good system
2.8 years agoAlso I use ur star cluster for the oofspace world
2.8 years agoThank you
2.8 years ago@Gen3ralInterstel1ar also we can make delays if you need too also rember I'm from beiruit and only know English for the stock market and am learning new words every day and I am not too active because I am one of the less violent protestors on the streets of Lebanon
2.8 years agoSure I'm looking simply for someone who could do this within the next irl month
2.8 years ago