Anyone else still having crash issues where the game data is deleted after reboot? Yet again I've lost an entire career that was almost FULL of tech and several planets missions.
Used to be just getting past 100 missions was impossible, but now it's happening after I get to Cylero.
I even got a better device, a tablet, to run this and it's still happening.
What's worse is I can't even find the "save to device" option anymore, so I've no backup.
That's a lot of work just lost, and while I enjoy playing it's still insanely irritating
R.I.P. Regina McIntyre, we're just gonna call it an aneurysm on nother world or something. (Also, can we have the renaming of Astronauts feature back? I miss having my staff as people I actually know)
@EpsilonSpaceOrganization I was raised by a sailor's son. Never gonna happen, "cursing" is just part of my repertoire. Honestly there are far more important things to be worried about for the people of the world. If profanity offends, the offended may need to get out into the real world a little more IMO.
I second this. inflatables and customizable flight controls, cockpits, chassis would be awesome too. motorcycle designs are very difficult with the current seat selection, and hacking them makes them impossible in career. not kosher, bruh
I'm happy to help you, but you'll need to publish some of the models you're complaining about. various things could be wrong based on build according to aerodynamics and weight distribution. so post some shit and I'll fix it and explain what I did. <3
Having your autopilot set for perfection is the only way I've found to dampen the oscillator glitch when clocking too fast with FF. Your Proportional is most important, but the range will need to be on, but super low. as low as you can.
@TomKerbal I can agree it's not all ChristIANS that are a problem, however those who are got those problems from ChristianITY. The faith only got popular BECAUSE of violence and continues to endorse it to this day. I refer calling the GOOD Christians "Yeshuans" as they take the good parts of the red words seriously and apply it to live a good helpful life.
The bigots, however. They idealize and pursue the violent blood cult it was adapted to be after the Nicaean councils and Vatican Vulgate.
@TomKerbal Something said in anger, disgust, contempt, dislike. Such as: I personally find religion to be a pejorative concept against intelligence and humanity. Those who practice religious faith seem to likewise hold the highest hatred for freedom and education, especially when it comes to people who don't choose to play their stupid LARP games.
@TomKerbal No, if you use it as a pejorative against a target that's not a positive use. One might be inclined to expect this to be pretty common sense even for a layman. So the fact that you're struggling with the concept is not fucking good. Sounds like you need some more fucking education. See? Pejorative use bad, it inclines you're stupid.
Now, were you to say "That bird is fucking beautiful" or "That kid is fucking brilliant" these would be identifiers of positive use as they preset a POSITIVE denotation. Or maybe even, "positive use terms are as easy as 2+fucking2." And THEN I could immediately negative the notion by adding: "Not speaking English as your first language is no fucking excuse for being that uneducated."
Hope that helps, have the day you fucking deserve. ;3 (curve ball)
So.... I gave the career another go, and I've finally been able to access the telescope missions without crashing. Problem is I can't find where to build bigger. I can't DO the mission if I can't build higher than 10m or wider than 3. The telescope alone is half that.
Wtf do I unlock a bigger build and why isn't that OBVIOUS?
@AngryScientist I'm on a Motorola Xt2005DL. Not the greatest, agreed, but it runs more draining apps with fewer issues. Same thing happens on my laptop through BlueStacks, too.
@Pedro Never the same contract, but always before contract 50. I've figured out the Wrong Craft error, but not this. The game lags out and then freezes before it can be undone, them on restart I get the message "Unable to load from saved point, check the log" but there is no log because the whole file is kaput.
The wrong craft seems to be if parts aren't destroyed from a previous (retry) flight. Fast fwd til the detonations happen, then Reclaim the craft and bam. error cleared. this crash thing, though. I WANT to say it has something to do with having to cram parts into occlusion zones? But some work fine for several contracts and then for whatever reason a crash hits. Not like the usual lag out crash, but a whole app crash.
So yeah, at this point there's absolutely NO point in even playing career mode. The game inevitably glitches out on missions SO BAD that it crashes and completely LOSES your entire fucking career mode anyhow. That's not even the CONSTANT NEED TO RESTART every 2 or 3 launches just because it's glitching and lagging. I can't even get past having $100m in the bank and CRASH. 6 times. I was so excited for this, and now it's just making me not want to play at all because WHATS THE POINT. All the tech, gone, all the earnings gone, all the missions completed gone. No file for the career. Its not even on the list of loadable games anymore.
While I'm here getting jack squat with some really kickass models, in MY opinion. Sure would be nice to see more activity. I think we could benefit from an IN GAME "upvote" panel. People are downloading, but they never come back to drop feedback or interact. V.v
I love this "game" and I can't wait to see what the new release brings. Hopefully a more inclusive sharing mod at some point.
Anyone else still having crash issues where the game data is deleted after reboot? Yet again I've lost an entire career that was almost FULL of tech and several planets missions.
Used to be just getting past 100 missions was impossible, but now it's happening after I get to Cylero.
I even got a better device, a tablet, to run this and it's still happening.
What's worse is I can't even find the "save to device" option anymore, so I've no backup.
That's a lot of work just lost, and while I enjoy playing it's still insanely irritating
+2 1.6 years agoR.I.P. Regina McIntyre, we're just gonna call it an aneurysm on nother world or something. (Also, can we have the renaming of Astronauts feature back? I miss having my staff as people I actually know)
+1 1.8 years ago@EpsilonSpaceOrganization the "ists" of the world DEFINITELY deserve all the hate that can be mustered given how much they put out.
+1 1.8 years ago@EpsilonSpaceOrganization I was raised by a sailor's son. Never gonna happen, "cursing" is just part of my repertoire. Honestly there are far more important things to be worried about for the people of the world. If profanity offends, the offended may need to get out into the real world a little more IMO.
+1 1.8 years ago@TomKerbal No way man, they EARNED those F words. Those are the GOOD F words. ;3
+1 1.8 years ago@t4zcomz @_@ .....
Oh dear Jeebus, that's so obvious now.
God damnit it even mentions the launch site. Fucking..... Risk achieved. XD THANK YOU
+1 1.9 years ago@XionmassResearchDevt Send them my way. Ill send em home sniveling. I love your work, unfinished or not.
+1 2.2 years agoI second this. inflatables and customizable flight controls, cockpits, chassis would be awesome too. motorcycle designs are very difficult with the current seat selection, and hacking them makes them impossible in career. not kosher, bruh
20 days agoStay safe, get out of there bro.
20 days agoI'm happy to help you, but you'll need to publish some of the models you're complaining about. various things could be wrong based on build according to aerodynamics and weight distribution. so post some shit and I'll fix it and explain what I did. <3
20 days agoHaving your autopilot set for perfection is the only way I've found to dampen the oscillator glitch when clocking too fast with FF. Your Proportional is most important, but the range will need to be on, but super low. as low as you can.
20 days ago@Mostly I don't have discord. :/
1.7 years ago@Mostly kewlbeans. Where might I find a dev? :P
1.7 years ago@Mostly only really had the issue with the one dude. And it didn't really pan out the way I think they intended.
Though I can agree that part should likely be dropped, as it really doesn't do anything for the topic. Which is celebrating this BADASS game. ^>^
Also, are you able to answer an issue with the astronauts not showing on my map?
1.8 years ago@TomKerbal I can agree it's not all ChristIANS that are a problem, however those who are got those problems from ChristianITY. The faith only got popular BECAUSE of violence and continues to endorse it to this day. I refer calling the GOOD Christians "Yeshuans" as they take the good parts of the red words seriously and apply it to live a good helpful life.
The bigots, however. They idealize and pursue the violent blood cult it was adapted to be after the Nicaean councils and Vatican Vulgate.
1.8 years ago@CloakPin Not for me, neither TT or Brigo show any crafts. I can only see they're on the planets from the build.console.when assigning crew
1.8 years ago@TomKerbal Something said in anger, disgust, contempt, dislike. Such as: I personally find religion to be a pejorative concept against intelligence and humanity. Those who practice religious faith seem to likewise hold the highest hatred for freedom and education, especially when it comes to people who don't choose to play their stupid LARP games.
1.8 years ago@CloakPin they don't. They never have.
Individual astronauts have never shown on the map. Only the ships they're in.
1.8 years ago@TomKerbal No, if you use it as a pejorative against a target that's not a positive use. One might be inclined to expect this to be pretty common sense even for a layman. So the fact that you're struggling with the concept is not fucking good. Sounds like you need some more fucking education. See? Pejorative use bad, it inclines you're stupid.
Now, were you to say "That bird is fucking beautiful" or "That kid is fucking brilliant" these would be identifiers of positive use as they preset a POSITIVE denotation. Or maybe even, "positive use terms are as easy as 2+fucking2." And THEN I could immediately negative the notion by adding: "Not speaking English as your first language is no fucking excuse for being that uneducated."
Hope that helps, have the day you fucking deserve. ;3 (curve ball)
1.8 years agoSo.... I gave the career another go, and I've finally been able to access the telescope missions without crashing. Problem is I can't find where to build bigger. I can't DO the mission if I can't build higher than 10m or wider than 3. The telescope alone is half that.
Wtf do I unlock a bigger build and why isn't that OBVIOUS?
1.9 years ago@MirazAerospace yup
1.9 years ago@AngryScientist I'm on a Motorola Xt2005DL. Not the greatest, agreed, but it runs more draining apps with fewer issues. Same thing happens on my laptop through BlueStacks, too.
1.9 years ago@Pedro Never the same contract, but always before contract 50. I've figured out the Wrong Craft error, but not this. The game lags out and then freezes before it can be undone, them on restart I get the message "Unable to load from saved point, check the log" but there is no log because the whole file is kaput.
The wrong craft seems to be if parts aren't destroyed from a previous (retry) flight. Fast fwd til the detonations happen, then Reclaim the craft and bam. error cleared. this crash thing, though. I WANT to say it has something to do with having to cram parts into occlusion zones? But some work fine for several contracts and then for whatever reason a crash hits. Not like the usual lag out crash, but a whole app crash.
1.9 years ago@AngryScientist I can do the first 20 missions in my sleep practically now but it doesn't matter because WHOOPS. ITS ALL GONE.
1.9 years agoSo yeah, at this point there's absolutely NO point in even playing career mode. The game inevitably glitches out on missions SO BAD that it crashes and completely LOSES your entire fucking career mode anyhow. That's not even the CONSTANT NEED TO RESTART every 2 or 3 launches just because it's glitching and lagging. I can't even get past having $100m in the bank and CRASH. 6 times. I was so excited for this, and now it's just making me not want to play at all because WHATS THE POINT. All the tech, gone, all the earnings gone, all the missions completed gone. No file for the career. Its not even on the list of loadable games anymore.
SIX....... TIMES......
Wtf man.
1.9 years agoAny fixes for the android glitches? Like losing your entire career mode or the "Wrong Craft" error when you've made a new craft from scratch?
I want to enjoy the Career mode, but honestly the height and width limitations is REALLY making that difficult as well.
1.9 years agoWhile I'm here getting jack squat with some really kickass models, in MY opinion. Sure would be nice to see more activity. I think we could benefit from an IN GAME "upvote" panel. People are downloading, but they never come back to drop feedback or interact. V.v
I love this "game" and I can't wait to see what the new release brings. Hopefully a more inclusive sharing mod at some point.
2.1 years agoThe Legacy chute was perfectly usable other than the velocity glitch. Chutes are crap, they snap even under 100 mps even if snap is disabled.
2.2 years ago