Basic Chess engine with built-in AI opponent. I tried my best to properly follow the games rules but Im sure I missed a bunch of stuff.
To play you just click on a piece, it then marks all the squares it can move to. For advice on how to actually play the game refer to external resources like this. There are controls to pause the game (stops AI from making moves), reseting the board, as well as stepping between previous moves (visual only). The current color to move and match ending information is displayed on the top left of the screen.
About the AI opponent, its using a basic minimax search with alpha-beta pruning, plus some heuristic piece square tables for evaluating positions. Because vizzy is slow (and because im not very good at chess programming) the bot can really only search to a depth of 3 before it takes unreasonably long to respond, you can change the search depth to whatever you like in game though. Despite this its actually surprisingly competent and I have a hard time beating it (though I also just suck at the game).
If there are enough problems and/or enough features people would want I might make a version 2.
Have fun.
also, great resource and S tier channel in general
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1,652 GrandmasterPotato
@Insanity yeah I know, it was a joke based on how crazy good some of these builds are
10.8k Insanity
@GrandmasterPotato I've made a couple of 3d engines in the last years but the performance would not be good enough for anything of that scale, at least not something thats actually playable. Though someone did make sfs which is quite impressive
@OrbitalSailorsAerospace good question, probably not particularily high though, its severly limited by the depth it can search to.