This is my first shot at a high angle of attack fighter jet, using a fly-by-wire vizzy program. It has automatic stabilization and controls AoA for you, so it is very maneuverable while being stable and easy to fly.
- Uses standard input controls.
- AG1: Toggles engine activation.
- AG2: This comes with a display showing values like current AoA and G-forces, and can be toggled with AG2.
- AG8: Gear is automatically retracted on lift-off, but this will give manual control.
- AG9: The maximum pitch angle is automatically controlled based on airspeed, but AG9 will let you mannually override it with slider 1. Use this to allow even higher AoA, or reduce it for easier cruising.
Flight Program
Vizzy program is stored in the main fuselage block, called "ProgramBlock"
This uses a PID controller for each input, giving the pilot direct control of the AoA, roll speed, and yaw angle. All stabilization is handled by the flight program.
And yes, it's based on the ADFX-01 from Ace-Combat ;)
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21.4k Rafaele
Hi! So I am doing a highly maneuverable aircraft as well, and I need a flyby wire program... can I use the code from this one into my aircraft? (will credit)
2,966 LofiTurtle
@F40GT Any log blocks are probably just ones I forgot to remove before uploading. They were only there so I could see the values while testing
0 F40GT
So my question is, what do is the “log” thing in the ProgramBlock for
Not to mention that I have the IOS version of SR2 -
2,966 LofiTurtle
@s5ehfr9 I have the flight program on a second block so I can increase the MaxInstructionsPerFrame value, that's why I can get away with it being so big. Vizzy actually runs really fast (its just C# under the hood), but that limiter defaults to 25, so a program with more than 25 blocks normally won't run real-time. I know what you mean about the slow speed though. I had a hard time designing the plane to be maneuverable at low speeds without getting too twitchy and unstable at high speeds. I think thrust vectoring is the solution, so maybe that'll be a thing if I make a v2.
8,650 s5ehfr9
@LofiTurtle Of course performance optimisation, otherwise it's great! It feels like F-18 at high speeds. I think a good starting point is maximum deflection angle which should vary with AoA.
Anyways I think it feels too heavy for a fighter jet especially at low speeds. -
2,966 LofiTurtle
@s5ehfr9 Do you mean performance optimization, or making it work better?
8,650 s5ehfr9
Definitely more work than I did with my fly-by wire, though there's still a huge room for optimization.
2,966 LofiTurtle
@EnceladusDynamics If you find a way to make the lazer work, feel free to upload your own version
3,718 EnceladusDynamics
@LofiTurtle actually nevermind, I realized I don't have XML edited lazer parts
2,966 LofiTurtle
@EnceladusDynamics Technically with no name hehe. But yeah that's what I based it off of, just forgot to mention it
@LofiTurtle how can i transfer this program to my jet?