This is an early release to my wannabe airship. still has some work to be chiseled out and maybe some vizzy to help in start up. However for now you can check out what it is im putting together.
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1,666 SpaceChimp1
@Zyvx also check out and upvote a (suggestion) for the sim. Its, titled " a reset on part translation tools" When using the tools to reshape or change its rotation and even its axis, it gets sometimes confusing as we find new and interesting things. But ultimately needing to reset this is whats needed and far easier to reset a parts positioning or rotation or axis to 0.0.0 than to go back and reload the entirety of the work.
1,666 SpaceChimp1
@Zyvx thank you for the vote of confidence as I have been so busy i have lost alot of focus here. I have made some slight adjustments and soon thanks to a new hover system I may have some notable progress and some cosmetic changes.
1,666 SpaceChimp1
okay its time to go back to this blimp and finish out some detailing and then some actual flight controls. I haven't decided yet on where the propulsion systems will go. Weather on the sides near the rear like the zeppelins in the olden days or like under the cabin like in the even older days.
1,666 SpaceChimp1
@Xler3 yeah, I had to get crafty with the way I levitate it since I dont know vizzy at all. So I'm using the sand bags as a form of props and when powered up there are detachers at the top of the lines but i may just have them retract and helium would be a great addition next to nitrous-oxide or just nitrous... hahaha BooM 💥 (in a deep voice)
1,303 Xlyr3
@SpaceChimp1 Like the blimb
I think they should put in helium balloons in SimpleRockets2 (you can build some pretty interesting stuff with that) -
1,666 SpaceChimp1
I have been changing up my designs with sand bags. I think i finally got them to look right.
@SpaceChimp1 i look forward to seeing hover blimp technology, and i will look for that reset suggestion.