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8,378 CLESstudio
@Samps0n emmmmm.... Well you are right. It is a recreation of a model train. But I can't really understand what do you mean of your last sentence. Why you mentioned commander chips.
0 Samps0n
This doesn’t have a motor or even rotators or hinges so like thi picture shows, this is the digital recreation of a model train not a real one. Tho @CLESstudio this was clearly never gonna move, so why all the command chips?
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Maybe you don’t remember but I don’t mind refreshing your mind. With all that work you really could of made it move realitivly easy. One would have to remove every wheel tho to refurbish it, not sure but it would likely be easier than beginning anew. FYI you have 13 command chips on the model of a craft you never meant to move or even steam, smoke or toot. I truely am curious because that really confounded me!