This is my first cargo plane, it has two cargo doors, one at the front and one at the back which was very similar to the AN-124, I called it EC-500A (Also being known as Erika Industry Super Cargo Plane 500 Version A) because it doesn’t look like an An-124.

It has some test Version lights on the body

You can Use ActivationGroup 1 to open the back cargo door, and you need to push the Slider 1 to let the Cargo ramp come down( no not pull it! )
Use ActivationGroup 2 to open the front door system, you need to turn off the Activation Group 8 (the main landing gear), to open the nose door you need to push the Slider 1 first and after the nose door complete open (important!) push the Slider 2 to let the front cargo ramp come down, but when you want them close you need let the cargo ramp close first and close the nose door after you complete closed the ramp! (very important!)

During the flight, You need to use the pitch to balance.

Hope you like my plane and please upvote it :)


  • Successors 2 craft(s) +21 bonus
  • Created On: Mac
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $329,157k
  • Number of Parts: 242
  • Dimensions: 55 m x 229 m x 185 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 2E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: -111,755kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 0m/s 0N 0s 2E+5kg


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    @GoiabaIsMe you need to make a craft

    +1 9 months ago
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    It aint working

    one year ago
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    3.6 years ago
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    I wish I could upvote :( but its a good cargo plane :D

    4.3 years ago
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    4.3 years ago
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    2,560 fahadzkrya

    Ez landing, ez control, thq

    4.5 years ago
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    4.6 years ago
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    2,502 XLAerospace

    .....that thing is a beast O_O

    4.8 years ago
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    4,025 daen

    This gave me an idea to build a cargo plane lol. I hope you don't mind me building one based off of it (I keep coming back to this page to look at its glory🤩) I hope you don't mind lol! Also mine will be different anyways (not as beautiful, for one) 🤣

    4.9 years ago
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    1,630 DeboStreams

    Hello sir, my name is Commander Debo of the Frontline Industries military installation. I am contacting you today to talk business. Here at Frontline industries, we are looking to create a more powerful and unique military. We are wondering if there would be a way to purchase a military version of this vehicle. If you are up to doing this request, read below for requirements.



    - Must include the specific military camo called M90 with 3 different colors on the camo.
    - Must include the ability to change the color of each pattern for customization purposes.

    +5 5.1 years ago
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    @Zyvx @Blaze77gun @TopSecret2 @blam0001 @SelectAKey @RenxBlake @ThePilotDude @AstronautPlanes Guys!! Check out my new fighter! Here is the link:

    5.2 years ago
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    @Zyvx @blam0001 @Blaze77gun @TopSecret2 @SelectAKey @TopSecret2 @blam0001 @RenxBlake @ThePilotDude
    Check out my new plane ,link ->:

    5.2 years ago
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    32.0k Zyvx

    Stylish, this sharp looking plane flys and function perfectly, awesome job. It's pretty too

    5.2 years ago
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    1,126 Blaze77gun

    I LOVE U

    5.2 years ago
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    @NPC2015 that’s what I did. Hope to test the limits of it.

    5.2 years ago
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    412 blam0001


    5.2 years ago
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    @SelectAKey you need close the main landing gear!!!!!!!!

    5.2 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @TopSecret2 have you tried extending the ramps i cant test need to charge cell

    5.3 years ago
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    I made a massive battery block of 12 by 12 by 10 and after reducing its weight to 5% (2120 tons originally ) it finally moved, and when rolled into the ramp it actually got into the rear ramp, but then it toppled over humorously. I suppose you actually could have it topple onto a flat truck and by securing it onto the truck driving the whole locomotive into the plane. Maybe have it elevated over the landing gear bay.

    Now I’m thinking about it I might have violated the rear of the plane with that block. Anyways it might actually be better if I just took structural panels and folded them up more times so it would fit, since rockets would be fueled anyways. Just fly fuel tanks to the location you’ve set up another space command center.

    5.3 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @TopSecret2 i was thinking overall volume. nevertheless. cant even get my 8x8 up the back and the front ramp doesnt seem to want to touch the tarmac

    5.3 years ago
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    @SelectAKey You’re not taking into account that the launch pad would be folded twice: once to fold the corner petals into the sides, and the second time would fold the side petals into a box with the center at the bottom. Then it can be tipped over into a truck. So from 30^2 times 2-3 meters thickness to about a box of 121210 meters, with placement at the rear of the plane where the landing gear won’t cause obstruction.

    5.3 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @TopSecret2 as a cylinder absolutely, i tested literal cubes.

    5.3 years ago
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    @SelectAKey At least that size to test but could be made big enough to launch 4 Saturn V stage I boosters strapped together (for the 10m10m10m idea).

    5.3 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @TopSecret2 just checked the space between the fuselages that house the landing gears and its 9m

    5.3 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    @TopSecret2 so yes. :)

    5.3 years ago
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