This giant cube (not tungsten) is a one-man collapsible space exploration outpost packed with everything you'll need to explore the local area of any planet you can get it to. Its collapsible design makes it simple and easy to modify in order to transport it either on the ground or in space. Designing it for one man was a choice made for a personal goal of mine, which is to make a bunch of crafts for personal space exploration so I can take this drood, who was randomly given the name Reginald Benson on a grand tour of the Juno system. But you get to reap the benefits of me just playing the game because I'm bored. Lucky you ;)
The Kenneth Cube Outpost is equipped with a folding rover and a small crane. The folding rover, stored in a little driveway, is designed to not only fit in the base, but also to be able to easily reattach to the base in the same position every time. The rover also has a nice little bitty truck bed with a working tailgate so come on. You need this.
The small crane is pretty simple. Once activated, it will raise up and a light will turn on to help you use the control panel in first person. Then, just use sliders 1 and 2 to position the crane and use the droods tether to lift an object. The counterweight is not very heavy, I don't know if or how it works, but hey, the crane do the lift thing. Dont break it.
Lastly, the room, which is entered through a simple airlock, is furnished with a food cupboard, a desktop and chair, and a usable bed, meaning you can lay your drood to sleep in this beautiful cube.
Fair warning; if you go into slo-mo, the base may bug out and act as if it is loosely flowing on waves. Strange thing, might just be me but I hope you enjoy the Kenneth Cube Outpost and try to strap it to a rocket and force it through atmospheric entry as I surely will be doing soon. God bless.
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Yeah ima make a new rocket game getting aspects from KSP, Juno, and the SFS 2. I know a little bit coding and will expand my knowledge.
1,650 KeginaldThe2st
@AkutanSpaceTechnologies It does make me sad that the player base has shrunk as far as I know. But then I remember that it's basically rocket science to play it consistently. Besides, if it we're different, we'd see a bunch of 10 year olds posting the dumbest things all day.
Does this game feel abandoned to y’all? Like Ik they are working on simple planes 2 but there so much that could be added to this game and I don’t play plane games. I could be bias so yeah idk.
1,650 KeginaldThe2st
@Skye93 Matt Lowne can eat his heart out. No clipping in this cube.
20.3k Freeskyaerospace
My reaction to this:
Wait a cube got 7 upvotes?! >:( ... then I saw and went, nevermind this is cool.
@lwortley you can get banned for being underage... :-: