Bantu saya... bagaimana cara Menyempurnakan Arah Solar Panel.. punya saya Kanan Mengarah Depan.. Kiri Mengarah Ke Belakang... Help
Help me ... how do I refine the direction of the solar panels .. mine is right towards the front .. left is directed backwards
Masih Banyak Bug
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22.8k Rizkyman
@RyanGunS ya nanti gw editin, tapi nunggu cendol nya Saturn V gw ada 100 ya :p
7,478 RyanGunS
@NebulaSpaceAgency .this is not vizzy ... look only at the problem that the rotator that directs the solar panel to the sun is wrong, how do you set the rotator to align with the other
7,478 RyanGunS
@NebulaSpaceAgency .how do match the direction of the solar panels to the sun?
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Masih perlu di perbaikan itu.. bantu saya lah... Solar panelnya buruk bener asli...