Trainer planes train pilots for flight, but to reach the next level, supersonic, you can’t just hop on a mig 25 to learn. Whch is why we built this marvelous craft. Capable of supercruise and high altitude flight. It’s fantastic (and wrapped in plastic)
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20.2k Freeskyaerospace
@Loby999 what's the deflection angle? I have been trying to reduce the spinning with the winglets. Also, thanks!
2,056 Loby999
Good speed, easy to take off and land and all around handles well. A good training plane. However, I recommend reducing the deflection angle of the flaps to avoid unwanted spinning.
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@Freeskyareospace The deflection angle is one of the settings you can tinker with when you select the flaps or control surfaces of a craft. Alternatively you could just make these control surfaces/flaps smaller. Excited to see what you will come up with for your next post.