Auto Credit Based on Rizkyman's Lunar Rover + Mini Sat (Auto Vizzy)

Saturn C-8 Nova, Apollo Direct Ascent

1:1 scale of the US Saturn Family designed in '60s.
Unfortunately, the Direct Ascent never been built due to size problem, it needs bigger rocket rather than Lunar Orbital Rendesvouz

Full Auto Lazzy Lazyman waiting for this

Auto finding Lunar Launch Window
Auto reach Droo Orbit
Auto Trans Lunar Injection
Auto Lunar Orbit Insertion
Auto Lunar Landing
Auto Return to Droo

First Auto Return Craft, just press AG1 and don't need to move your muscles

Action Group:
1. System Start
2. Deorbit to the mun
3. Return Droo
4. Escape Tower
5. Parachute
6. Ladder
7. Light
8. Landing gear

Build on the old mobile version of Vizzy, may be not works well on the new beta, still waiting for mobile beta updates

Importance: Please Launch from Droo Launch Pad only !

Possible problems:
1. Failed window launch squence. Reason: Pitch input problem. Solution: try a little time wrap before press AG.1
2. Inaccurate TLI Burn. Reason: Different Physic Settings. Solution: Try to Time warp before press AG1, or change your settings
3. The Craft Crashed and dropped to the ground. Reason: Some device can't executed too many Start Block & Receive Message Block. Solution: Report the bug the developer or try to modify the vizzy program

Any suggestion? Please comment below

Magical Vizzy Pitch Input by Crowxe
Suicide Burn Vizzy by Crowxe



  • Total Delta V: 12.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 89.6MN
  • Engines: 23
  • Wet Mass: 2.79E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 2.98E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 8 1.7km/s 45.2MN 75s 2.79E+6kg
2 8 2.3km/s 29.5MN 70s 1.27E+6kg
3 2 3.1km/s 11.1MN 88s 5.02E+5kg
4 1 3.0km/s 2.4MN 1.8m 1.42E+5kg
5 1 2.8km/s 351kN 2.3m 27,825kg


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    22.8k Rizkyman

    Updated Craft with new Vizzy, follow this Link

    Pinned 4.7 years ago
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    Bei mir funktioniert der Deorbit Luna nicht

    4.4 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    @TopSecret2 @CPSU3417 @Hellosss38 @wonkapilot @malachiblair929 @BroAeronautics @kittman @Reichy @KirRu @STARinterplanetary @Balthazarthegreat77 @QPilot @Starmang10 Here is the Update Saturn C Nova

    4.7 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    @TopSecret2 yeah it's true, it was blindly raising apoapsis to the moon, since the old vizzy didn't have target parameter input, we had to used the awkward way to approach the target

    One more thing, sorry for my bad progranming skill. i'm not a programmer, graphic designer, or enginer. I'm just medical doctor.

    4.7 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    @TopSecret2 Lol, u can't compare old vizzy script to new one. The vizzy was not worked, that was the old version. If you want to review the new one check my SSTO plane on my post. It used new circularization algorithm, simple but nearly perfect circular. And i want the landing leg to retract and expand, it cant be execute just using simple action group

    Check this Buran SSTO Auto Orbit

    4.7 years ago
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    Update: after a closer look I’ve narrowed down the primary issue in its inability to achieve LDO to a lack of the rocket’s response to the burn time variable. Somewhere in the main calculations for the burn circularization, there is a variable the programming skips likely because it is still processing and storing variables from the previous variable names (Gravitational Constant, Planet Mass, Planet Gravity, Exhaust Velocity in particular, etc.). So when it goes to display the delta-V requirement for LDO, it has no issue determining it but the burn time variable comes up as a blank. I’ll give you the compliment of producing a good debug text but it’s clear that perhaps if the variables were divided into groups with a few or so waiting periods between them, that would guarantee that the Burn Time variable is rendered so that way the craft will burn before the target altitude.

    4.7 years ago
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    @Rizkyman The Vizzy was already broken on this from the start; it relies on too many variables to do what could be done with far fewer blocks, namely the landing legs, which could simply be tied to a activation group and not deployed until the exact moment before landing on Luna. Another thing to note: you completely failed on calculating the time to Apoapsis which appears to be the main cause of the rocket failing to burn before reaching it.

    This is a perfect example of an exceptionally well done rocket with an exceptionally poor example of overdone programming.

    4.7 years ago
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    4.8 years ago
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    @Rizkyman Whenever it tries to reach the apoapsis, it goes straight past it and crashes into Droo.

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    @Rizkyman Could you please do a version that has a command pod instead of the chip? I just can’t do it myself and I’d like to be able to put an astronaut on the moon.

    4.8 years ago
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    2,502 XLAerospace


    4.8 years ago
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    Was going to say that it’s broken but then I saw the pinned comment

    4.9 years ago
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    4,265 kittman

    @Rizkyman I thought you might enjoy this SR2 movie trailer I put together on my iPad. Be sure to read the credits at the end!

    And again, thanks for creating this craft and program.

    4.9 years ago
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    0 Reichy

    @Rizkyman I'll be waiting for the update

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    13.6k FACHRI789

    Rizkyman@Apakah kamu orang Indonesia

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    Can you make next version with astronauts?

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    +1 4.9 years ago
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    Will the fixed version be uploaded sometime during the week. Or do you not know?

    4.9 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    @STARinterplanetary the new update broke the vizzy. Fixed version will be reupload soon

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    This rocket doesn’t work. The program for the rocket just makes it do nothing but fail. Fix please

    4.9 years ago
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    22.8k Rizkyman

    @22zxSnakeEyes not working anymore since last update

    4.9 years ago
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    I wondered why it kept crashing @Rizkyman

    4.9 years ago
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    30 FCOM

    @Rizkyman I absolutely love the rocket and I enjoy it very much.

    I would like to make a request here that you make a rocket like this but I can go to Mars (i’m just gonna cool it knows because I’m too lazy to actually name it lol)

    5.0 years ago
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    55.2k KirRu

    Update on android breaks it. After update it cant go to Droo orbit(it doesn't turn on engines on apogeе). And it launchs when moon is above the horizon for some reason

    5.0 years ago
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    fantastic job sir.

    5.0 years ago
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