No effects were applied on any of the pictures above.
If anyone doesnt understand it, i can make a tutorial in my next post.
The craft is obviously heavily tinkered because it was made for looks only.
Have fun!
- Successors 1 craft(s) +14 bonus
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version: 0.9.503.0
- Price: $13,212k
- Number of Parts: 188
- Dimensions: 23 m x 10 m x 11 m
- Total Delta V: 28.7km/s
- Total Thrust: 2.3MN
- Engines: 1
- Wet Mass: 1.48E+5kg
- Dry Mass: -6,182,909kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
1 | 1 | 28.7km/s | 2.3MN | 1.58hours | 1.48E+5kg |
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i literally land this thing on luna and other droo planets
looks like 2d
this is so stupid. i like it bruh
@XionmassResearchDevt agreed
Thangs aren't always what we think they are . Cardz is an epic player that has much more than they share ..
Looks like a mesh on top of the rocket with inverted normals. Known technique
@Exo200 wait i didnt get notifications from you and i cant say your rockets are cool the website blocks me : (
@Vedhaspace power
i need to know how did you do this
@GenrichTitov Nope! There's only one inlet
Let me guess. A second fuselage shell with negative size wrapped around the main and painted black?
Wait can you embed shaders
this is actually really cool, idk how u did the toon shading but good job
@CardZlol oh alright then
@Exospaceman If you're talking about the rocket itself, yes. But the Toon shading wasnt done afaik
didn't someone made this before?
@CardZlol XD
@Fime secret tech
Wtf how ???????
@SNSA If you treat them properly, they'll give up and do all the toon-shading you need!
@Antu_Industries you'll never reach the truth
secret cardzian tech