The Cylero Bee is a small rotationary wings aircraft designed for Cylero.
Features :
- Can fold its rotationary wings
- Undeployed at start for easy fairing adaptation
- Actions groups for wings and landing gear
- Works well on Cylero
- No fuel needed, have battery and solar panel.
Meh :
- Hard to land
- Somewhat ugly
- Made for Cylero. For Droo : you should not throttle above 50%
- On mobile : no lag, but harder to control
Action groups :
- AG1 : toggle wings and landing gear
- AG2 : toggle landing gear
- AG3 : toggle wings
- AG5 : Floodlights
Controls :
Slider 1 : don't touch this, Vizzy do.
Slider 2 : wings angle of attack. You should not need to touch this, Vizzy do. But you may want to use this slider for autorotation landing fine tune.
QWERTY : Q turn right, E turn left, W pitch down, S pitch up
AZERTY : A turn right, E turn left, Z pitch down, S pitch up
Animation of deploying wings, retracting gear and take off :
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373 zeropol

When you'll have 100 points, you'll also be able to do so in your forum posts ( not in the answers ), if the rules of the website havent changed since I last came ( last year ) -
@zerepol Thanks!!