"Roger, roger."
B1-series battle droids, also referred to as B1 battle droids, standard battle droids, clankers, or tinnies were the predominantly used battle droids manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata and Baktoid Armor Workshop. Even though they were extensively produced and deployed, the B1-series battle droid was flimsily designed and easy to destroy, and was only truly successful in substantial overwhelming numbers
This is an old posable model. I decided to upload it since I completely forgot about it.
Controls are simple since the joints are obvious.
You also have to disable symmetry
How did I make this figure?
It wouldn't have been possible without the help of ChaoticGraviton's Lider Mod.
The helmet was the hardest part of this project. I used a combination of clamp, pinch, and Corner Radiuses to obtain this result. The Joints are actually easy to do, just use rounded cones.
Additionally, I used reference images with the help of DesignerTools Mod.
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0 Samps0n
Will you share how a lidar mod made it possible for you to shape your model’s body language (i think that is what you may be able to use the lidar for?) . Bare with us laymen &/or guys over 30. We are ‘getting ‘it’ ‘ , i,but not all of us have the comp sci skill, just the love for science and a bit of praise to see, young pll, even kids are coding and i am impressed
“that doesn’t compute, uhhh.. wait, uhhhh.. you’re under arrest”