I highly recommend watching the video manual before your first flight.


CCQ (Combined-Control Quadcopter) is a drone control concept in which pitch, roll and throttle are controlled by the pitch of the propeller blades, and yaw by changing the RPM of the drone's motors.
This concept allows the drone to be more responsive, dynamic and precise, as well as have greater functionality. The drone has two flight modes - ANGLE mode and ACRO mode.


ANGLE mode is ideal for beginners as it limits the pitch and roll angles, preventing the player from flipping and crashing the drone. Also, for ease of control, this mode has vertical speed stabilization of the drone, altitude hold and hover modes.


ACRO Mode is an advanced flight mode that allows the player to fully control the drone. This mode does not limit pitch and roll angles and does not have vertical speed stabilization. Also in this mode you cannot use altitude hold and hover modes.
This flight mode is not suitable for beginners, as it requires special skills and a special controller (preferably).


- Use AG1 for arm the drone;
- Use AG2 to swap flight mode;
- Use AG3 to enable altitude hold mode (only in ANGLE mode);
- Use AG4 to enable hover mode (only in ANGLE mode);
- Use AG5 to enable OSD.
- Use slider 1 as a throttle;
- Use the pitch, roll and yaw sliders to control the orientation of the drone;
- Use Slider 3 to tilt the camera;

Tips and Features

-You should have stable fps >= 60 and also high physics. Otherwise the drone will behave unstable!;
- For the best experience, use a dedicated FPV drone controller;
- Always disarm the drone in flight before crashing or landing, as this will save the propellers from being damaged.
- The camera angle greatly affects the drone's maximum speed, as well as the feel of controlling it. I recommend using a camera angle of 25 degrees;
- The battery lasts for about 6.5 minutes of flight. If the battery charge falls below 5%, the drone will automatically disarm.
- You can recharge the battery on the ground, speeding up time, with a solar panel;
- Never speed up the time while the drone is in flight, as this may cause it to become unstable;
- You can customize the drone control to your needs. Just follow the comments in the program;
- When setting up your drone, I recommend using the Flight Log (watch the video manual);
- A little vibration of the drone is normal;
- You can change the main color of the OSD and disable the indication of control stick position in the OSD program.
- The range of Slider 1 (throttle input) in ACRO mode changes from [-1;1] to [0;1].
-OSD may not work correctly when the drone is landed. This is due to the peculiarity of the camera in the game.
-The program allows you to maintain control over the drone if you lose one propeller.


I will continue to work on the concept of the CCQ, in the future I will try to create an even better drone.

Have Fun!


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $1k
  • Number of Parts: 260
  • Dimensions: 0 m x 1 m x 1 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 2kg
  • Dry Mass: 2kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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    3,563 IcEStaR

    Your perfomance feedback, bug reports, questions and tips are welcome!

    Pinned 3 months ago
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    3,563 IcEStaR

    @sacr3dbac0n0 I just checked it, with the FUNK block you can make a compact PID controller, but it's also sensitive to unstable frame rates, and also requires tuning for a specific FPS value.
    One way or another, in the next project I will also use a fixe delta time value for PID controllers, which will be different for several crafts - the main craft will also be designed to work with a stable fps of 60+, and the mobile craft with a stable fps of 30+.

    3 days ago
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    @DreaPods yep my house is burning like an inside of an oven but dis is fine XD

    3 months ago
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    3,563 IcEStaR

    @Ylecraig my pc is on fire xD

    3 months ago
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    The first screenshot feels like it's real and too realistic 0-0

    3 months ago
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    3,563 IcEStaR

    @Amonglolsus13432 Thankee!

    3 months ago
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    This is so cool I make so many trick shots it even has manual

    +1 3 months ago
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    3,563 IcEStaR

    @sacr3dbac0n0 Thanks, I'll try that in the future. But for now I find it more convenient to use PID controllers created using variables, since in that case I can, for example, limit the integral error.

    3 months ago
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    4,727 sacr3dbac0n0

    Looks great! I will have to try it out. If it helps, I also wanted to share that I figured out you can use fUnK blocks and the PID function to avoid the framerate instability issues. Are you using it for this craft? You can do fUnK[ PID(control variable, process variable, kp, ki, kd) ]. Then wait[0 seconds] after that line and that solves the issue!

    3 months ago
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    3,563 IcEStaR

    @TritonAerospace You're right, the drone uses only P and PI controllers. Surprisingly, it turned out that the D block isn't only useless, it only makes things worse - the control becomes less responsive.
    Although on the other hand, a small value of the D coefficient would probably help reduce the vibrations of the drone in flight. I will try this in the future.

    3 months ago
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    very interesting i couldn't spot a single derivative block in the FC.
    is it all PI or did miss it?

    3 months ago


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