1.3 Update


  • Added 15 unique rescue missions across Droo, Droo's orbit, Luna's orbit and Luna's surface, adding rescued Droods to the available crew
  • Added contracts to build the SPE station, providing modules to make the station while letting you dock your own modules to it
  • Made hiring crew become exponentially more expensive
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Droo Orbit contracts to reset if you left Droo's SOI before completing them


  • Allowed text input in the symmetry tool, enabling the use of any symmetry amount
  • Improved depth masks

    • Allowed disabling depth masks, so parts using them can be made transparent

    • Added depth masks to the jet engines, rocket engines and RCS nozzles (so if you clip them into other parts, they retain their holes)

  • Various improvements on the wings

    • Added surface attachments to the wings, fins and structural panels

    • Added wing auto-resize, no more trying to eyeball the thickness!

    • Made it possible to displace the entire wing using the root gizmos

    • Added an "InvertOnMirror" option in the control surfaces

    • Added a preview of the Lift and Drag coefficients to the design info panels, making it possible to tweak them in sandbox

    • Updated the airfoils used by wings with improved data simulated in xfoil and a better blend with flat plate values at high AoA, now using NACA0012, NACA23012 and Clark-Y for Symmetric, Semi-Symmetric and Flat Bottom respectively

  • Overhauled how fuselage volume is calculated

    • Fuselage volume and CoM is now accurate independently of the shape

    • Exposed the clamp feature in the Shape Tool

    • Added a Bezier Curve editor to customise the profile of the nosecones

    • These new features will only be available in up to date fuselages

  • Overhauled the engine exhaust damage logic

    • Drastically improved performance

    • The damage volume now resembles the shape of the exhaust much better, making it easier to predict when something is being hit, and the exhaust doesn't need to go through the center of mass of a part to hit it

    • Improved the logic behind what force is applied to parts being hit by an exhaust

  • Added an auto-fix function in the validator, it will try to get rid of most warnings in two clicks

    • We tweaked how part version validation works to let players in sandbox know about their outdated parts and have more control over which modifier versions can be used in career


  • Greatly increased the default ambient light in space
  • Increased the fuel flow of the fuel cells x1000 by popular demand
  • Added some camera shake when using detachers based on their force
  • Set Vizzy's "set variable to user input" to the current variable value by default
  • Added a slider to bump up the number of instructions per frame in a Vizzy program up to 200
  • Ensured random text can't be typed in numeric spinners, showing the numeric keyboard in mobile devices when editing them
  • Changed the header of the inspector panels to match the header of the input sliders, making the UI more consistent and improving readability
  • Remembered what a craft was targeting when switching between crafts in range to ease docking maneuvers
  • Reset the inputs of a craft after switching from it to another craft to prevent unwanted inputs, most commonly when trying to dock things, while retaining the input offsets
  • Serialize the offsets for translate right and up instead of the direct input, so when quick-saving during docking reloading doesn't result in unwanted input


  • Systems

    • Increased the altitude at which the ambient light transitions between ground and space in Droo

    • Fixed solar panels not working in the classic system

    • Reduced the bumpiness of the village runway's lip

    • Fixed the ramps in the ALI outpost pads

    • Added a ramp to the research station

  • Fixed an error sometimes thrown by props hitting the water
  • Fixed the chair hand pose position to better match the target part
  • Updated the "New Plane" to use the new wings and fixed its symmetry
  • Prevented clicks on empty areas of the default MFD to select or toggle the MFD part
  • Fixed a bug sometimes causing null refs to be thrown when a selected part was unloaded in flight
  • Fixed an error in the light intensity calculation making small lights to be too dim and sometimes show the wrong intensity when adjusting it in the designer
  • Added a quality setting that adjusts the part count threshold at which the secondary light in the designer reduces the lighting quality in order to improve performance, which can have a rather large impact on designer framerate with very high part count crafts
  • Recalculating frame state of the craft node during warp will no longer set the craft script position if the new position is relatively equal to the old position, greatly improving the performance of large part count crafts when warping in the ground

1.3.106 Patch


  • Access to more data in Vizzy and Funk

    • Added getters in Vizzy for the autopilot targeted pitch and heading

    • Added two options to the planet block in vizzy to know the surface air density of a planet and wheter it has terrain or not

    • Exposed the power consumption of wheels to funk

  • Changed the bottom attachment in the containers for career contracts to a fused attachpoint, so it can be rigidly mounted on crafts

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing animations to the piston landing leg foot pivot so it re-centers when folded
  • Fixed a bug causing pistons retracting to generate power
  • Fixes to bugs introduced in the 1.3 beta

    • Fixed a bug causing jet engines to show hell through their depth masks

    • Plugged the hole in the graphite nozzle so the depth mask doesn't render through it

    • Fixed a bug causing payload tooltips to say they were the wrong price and mass

    • Ensured all symmetric wings are updated when a wing gets changed by the auto-resize

    • Improved the behavior of the wing auto resize and fixed an issue with it misbehaving when snap to grid was not zero

    • Fixed a bug causing auto-clamp to screw on flipped fuel tanks

    • Ensure command discs are properly updated when set by the auto-fix

1.3.107 Patch


  • Added property to Propulsion.xml to define the ignitions an engine supports, and hidden properties to override the value
  • Added a toggle in the gimbaled RCN to disable their gimbal
  • Added a parameter to the tech tree to enable/disable quicksaving


  • Added a hidden property to adjust the spin tolerance of propellers
  • Added hidden properties to the jet engine to expose the burner, afterburner and fan pressure ratio properties to let player better fine-tune jet engine capabilities

Bug Fixes

  • The mandatory parachute bugfix of every update, this time fixing some parameters ignoring the ASL based toggle
  • Fixed a bug causing rocket engines to be restarted when quickloading
  • Fixed a bug causing the automatically calculated side of the craft of a wing to change if conditions during flight changed and the craft was reloaded
  • Fixed a bug causing the price of the RCN to not update when changing its power
  • Fixed a bug causing gimbaled RCS tinkered to not be multidirectional to fire in the wrong direction
  • Fixed a bug causing landing gear with double wheels to have the wrong mass and grip in flight
  • Ensured double wheel landing gear don't have any slant so they turn around the same axis always
  • Fixed a bug where some payload contracts would fail at launch if the player launched previously without the payload
  • Fixed a bug causing a drood to freeze if it was grappling a package as its contract got completed
  • Fixes to bugs introduced in the 1.3 beta

    • Fixed a bug showing 0 mass/price in some part tooltips

    • Fixed a bug causing the game to break when a contract with a container rigidly attached to the player craft was finished

    • Fixed a bug causing the exhaust damage volume to not be updated on launch, resulting in inconsistent sizes

    • Fixed a bug causing RCN to render through the craft when the port got meshcombined

    • Fixing a typo causing the drood in the first rescue to fail the assignment

    • Fixed an error causing auto-fix to set the brake torque in wheels to the wrong value

1.3.108 Patch


  • Added 9 new stock crafts and updated the existing ones, including the Career Tutorial crafts
  • Added Crew Bonus parameters to the contracts to optionally give extra money and/or TP if a contract had crew aboard when each of its requirements were completed and set up a bunch of the stock contracts to have TP crew bonuses
  • Added 3 new payloads to orbit and 3 to "land" in the moons of Droo, as well as a Grand Tour payload that will require visiting at least 3 planets and leaving the SOI of Juno


  • Let non-player crafts switch the player to a different craft through Vizzy
  • Split the lunar and celestial contracts into different procedural contracts, having a more controlled progression before going interplanetary
  • Ensure the fuel transfer of PETN is disabled
  • Added the goblin to the credits, oops doxxed

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing engine exhaust to look odd when activated while the game was paused
  • Fixed a bug causing some rescues to be able to be finished without getting the Droods safely to a stop
  • Fixed a typo in the requirements for some of the rescues causing them to spawn in orbit of the player craft instead of the intended planet

1.3.109 Patch


  • Added a tech to disable retry/undo in the Tech Tree in custom careers
  • Added career bonus to a couple more contracts and made it a requirement to bring crew aboard in Pilot License
  • Ensure depth milestones are negative when appropriate
  • Added some missing contract unlock labels in the tech tree
  • Fixed a bug causing the reentry requirement in station contracts to sometimes fail
  • Tweaked a requirement in the impacter contract so it doesn't ghost the players when the Periapsis is not negative
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Learning to Fly tutorial to fail on start


  • Added a new stock craft, the SimpleTransporter
  • Changed the remove Planned Burn button to use the "Warning" colour to make it more visible

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed various typos throughout the UI and contracts
  • Fixed a bug caused wings attached to the surface of other wing to resize their tips
  • Fixed a bug causing wing fuel volume to go negative, resulting in odd values, and improved the formula to result in more realistic values on large thickness wings
  • Ensure the depth mask doesn't clip through the aerospike nozzle when zooming out
  • Ensure clicks select curve editor nodes and not just drags

1.3.110 Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing the iOS version to lack access to the game files
  • Fixed an artifact in the rocket engine exhaust and improved the rim shading
  • Fixed a seam in the basic rocket engine model
  • Fixed a bug causing smoothing to not be applied on mirrored fuselages until updated
  • Fixed a bug causing mouse input alts to be ignored

List of new stock crafts

1.3.111 Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that caused some iOS devices to upload corrupted sandbox files
  • Fixed a bug causing tourists to not show up in the payloads section when their test contract was accepted
  • Fixed a bug causing mirrored wings from not being offset correctly when auto-resized
  • Fixed a bug preventing crew bonus from being rewarded in some contracts
  • Removed a control surface at the tip of the vertical stabilizer in the SimpleTransporter
  • Improved the controls of the SimpleCopter

1.3.112 Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the main menu tutorials, they tried to point at a legacy version of the Juno System and thus failed for those that didn't have them in the local files
  • Rebalanced the money awarded by the Station contracts
  • Various tweaks to make the station contracts less failure prone

    • Dev Note: The station uses a "CraftTrackingID", other contracts do so, so when a player doing multiple contracts with a tracking ID at once docks with the station, it could loose its original tracking ID. Now the station attempts to fix itself when docking, undocking and being loaded

  • Tracked what craft ID a drood is in while in flight, so if something unexpected results in the craft being removed without being destroyed, they will return to the designer

1.3.113 Patch


  • Reduced the intensity of the noise in the rocket exhaust when expanded
  • Added a property to the rocket exhaust to define the color when expanded

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an error in the drood's Eva script causing the game to misbehave on certain situations where droods were on an EVA
  • Fixed bug causing contracts to forget which craft they were tracking
  • Fixed the logic in SPE's fuel sphere contracts to ensure the name of the contract matches the actual fuel in the sphere
  • Fixed the rimshade and soft edge effects in rocket exhausts with a more reliable solution than in previous patches
  • Added a few missing $ icons in tech tree items

1.3.114 Patch

Bug Fixes

  • Improved the visuals in how the exhaust noise fades when expanded
  • Fixed a typo in the TP awarded by the money spent milestone

1.3.115 Patch


  • Added an override for the fuselage's structure density to ease tinkering them to imitate different materials
  • Improved how non-defined fuels are handled, so abandoned mods don't look terrible
  • Automatically find a new primary if the player attempts to delete the primary part in the designer, so it can be removed
  • Reduced how many times some contracts have to be repeated to progress through the moon contracts
  • Removed TT's rover mission given how hard driving in low gravity can be

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug allowing the root part to be removed if it was part of a group of parts
  • Fixed a typo in the progression flair of the lunar rover contract

26 Items


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  • Profile image

    Can I install mods on mobile??

    2 months ago
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    @Pedro, thanks for letting me know.

    8 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @VectorY you have to go into the Careers folder, duplicate the stock career and modify it to your liking, if you need help discord is generally the best place

    +2 8 months ago
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    How do we make custom careers in this game?

    8 months ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    "Added hidden properties to the jet engine to expose the burner, afterburner and fan pressure ratio properties to let player better fine-tune jet engine capabilities"

    does this mean we can adjust the power of jet engines without changing anything else (like size)?

    10 months ago
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    @AgnstromsTM If you want the devs to fix a bug, you need to submit a bug report in game while the issue is happening so that they can see what configuration is causing problems. The devs will not be able to fix the issue if there is only a comment complaining about it.

    11 months ago
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    @AgnstromsTM for rss career,just like ksp,and the idea is not remove "undo" from the basic game,its more like a challenge or difficulty option for some people (like hardcore mode in Minecraft)

    +1 11 months ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune Sorry for my vocabulary, but that idea is st*d, there's no point in removing something like that.

    11 months ago
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    @AgnstromsTM why not

    11 months ago
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    @SatelliteTorifune First of all, why do it?

    11 months ago
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    @thatguywhodidathing I have tried it many times, and even in slow motion, but it still persists, and it is not my PC, the game runs at more than 120fps with everything at maximum, the problem is the physics, and if that is how it works for me, no I want to imagine others

    11 months ago
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    @AgnstromsTM Try turning up your physics settings. If this persists, submit a bug report.

    +1 11 months ago
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    anyway to disable undo&exit?

    11 months ago
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    Please improve the joint and collision system, seriously, it is quite annoying that some creation simply does not work in the game because the pieces cross each other, or also the wheels attached to a motor or etc., they behave like jelly to the minimum amount of added weight, I don't want to be rude, and I don't know the conditions under which they do this, but seriously, improve the physics system

    11 months ago
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    When does this release on Android play store

    11 months ago
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    when mobile release @Pedro?

    11 months ago
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    950 SCaxaR

    @ModernTech2024 this bug was fixed in version 1.2.2

    +1 11 months ago
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    Hold on Mr.Pedro. We were promised a Parachute fix in 1.3

    +1 11 months ago
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    1,260 lflz

    Has the forward and reverse drag bug of a semi symmetric wing been fixed? That bug is very interesting.

    11 months ago
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    I want to remind you about a bug that causes the parachute altitude deployment value (in the designer not in flight) to change.
    Tag me for more info

    11 months ago
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    105 SkyStrike

    @TritonAerospace it appears that I am not running 1.3, but instead

    11 months ago
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    "Remembered what a craft was targeting when switching between crafts in range to ease docking maneuvers"
    THANK YOU ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

    +2 11 months ago
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    @Randomlyexisting are you serious, is it that good on mobile?

    11 months ago
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    105 SkyStrike

    Well, either its a placebo effect or smthn, cuz the optimizations, in my case are being felt (I now have 2k part max, compared to a 700 part max)

    11 months ago