Update 1.0.7


  • Career

    • Tweaked the orbit tutorial to be more reliable and teach players how to circularise

    • Lowered the land and walking distance milestones in some of the celestial bodies

    • Reduced the difference in deadline time between flyby, orbit, and landing

    • Allow support for modded parts in the tech tree for non-stock career modes

    • Improved the deployment animation of the comms sat and how they attach when stacked

    • Changed the Unique Docks milestone to update during the flight instead of when exiting the flight

  • User Interface

    • Reworded the cancel contract dialog to cancel confusion when prompting the player to cancel the cancelation

    • Changed the reward dialog to be translucent instead of transparent

    • Added more displayed precision to the spool time in the design info

    • Limit how far the wing tips can be offset with the gizmos

    • Hide the throttle input for rocket engines that don't support throttling

    • Added the craft coordinates to the flight info panel and renamed the orbit category to Trajectory

    • Moved the damage settings to the flight info panel's Options category so they can be adjusted in real-time

    • Added a button to lock the heading toward the maneuver vector, without having to use the nav sphere

    • Tweaked things around when in mobile so menus are easier to use and things look nice

  • Vizzy/Funk stuff

    • Added support for FD, OD, and VZ as alternatives for the funk tags FlightData, OrbitData, and FlightProgram

    • Add a log to the flight log block in vizzy and renamed the old log to the local log

    • Added Real Time expression to Vizzy. Also available to FUNK expressions as TimeReal

    • Added a True by default in the while loop

    • Ensure funk part references using the legacy style of a search for modifier IDs search the part's group first

  • Reverted the changes done to the rocket engine smoke in the last update
  • Reverted a previous change lowering the water impact by x100 to get it back to realistic amounts
  • Added support for overriding the connection type of an attachment point to support attaching the Comms Sat to surfaces
  • When cloning a part that belongs to a group, now the entire group will be cloned
  • Greatly improved performance in the designer when selecting a part when the Design Info panel is open
  • Added a platform parameter to the What's New query so that in the future we can control what platform gets what

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing maneuver auto-burns to be imprecise because they didn't account for the engine spool time
  • Fixed a bug forcing the player to pay for the payload in the contract with explosive boxes
  • Properly name fins and structural panels in the validation, instead of calling them all wings
  • Recalculate the surface velocity of the reference frame every frame while not surface locked. This really is how it should have been initially, but it wasn't for the sake of performance, which was a bit misguided in retrospect. It appeared to be working well enough, but there have been some reports of strange physics while in the non-surface locked state so I have changed it to recalculate every frame. It also has fixed a slight hiccup when recentering
  • Fixed a bug where XML Layout elements sometimes retained their hovered state after being hidden and re-shown
  • Fixed a bug showing the wrong mass on the preview of the Command Pods in the tech tree
  • Fixed a bug where the $ symbol on tech nodes was rendered at the top of text panels
  • Fixed a bug preventing chutes on ASL mode from disabling auto-cut
  • Fixed a bug where Droods with jetpacks in crew compartments would affect a craft's delta-v calculation when resuming a craft in flight
  • Fixed a map view bug where planned burn nodes could appear in the incorrect positions when stepping through next/previous nodes in the UI
  • Fixed a bug preventing ion engine stats from showing up in the performance analyzer
  • Fixed typos in various contracts, milestones, and payload descriptions
  • Fixed a typo in the TP awarded by Vulco Landings tier 2
  • Fixed a bug causing the mass of debris to be accounted in the delta-V calculation until unloaded, most notoriously affecting both jettison stages and payloads
  • Fixed a bug preventing payload parts from being mirrored correctly
  • Forced an update in the craft's drag when cargo bay doors open or close in flight
  • Fixed a bug causing the camera part not to be scaled correctly in the main menu
  • Raised the altitude for the gas giant depth milestones to ensure the record is registered even if the craft is crushed
  • Improved performance of accessing local variables in Vizzy
  • Slightly improved the performance of the designer by preventing calls to OnStructureChanged from happening more than once per frame
  • Fixed a bug causing the water to become too transparent in the reflections at random when in orbit, causing a noticeable flicker
  • Fixed a bug causing the collider size and position in some solar panel arrays to be miscalculated
  • Fixed a bug where milestones would not progress after opening the career dialog in the flight
  • Fixed a bug where the Set Primary command pod did not set the active command pod
  • Fixed a bug where control surfaces set to Auto would not respond to inputs on very small rockets
  • Fixed a bug where subassemblies containing payloads would show up in the Payloads category in the designer part list
  • Fixed a bug preventing the DSC locations' achievement from being triggered
  • Fixed an issue with the designer platform occasionally clipping through the craft in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where the designer platform can clip through some parts like landing gear
  • Fixed the size of the colliders in the simple window structure
  • Fixed a bug that could break satellite payloads if they were renamed

1.0.8 Patch


  • Upgraded to Unity 2020.3.45f1
  • Show how many payloads are assigned to a contract in a payload's part properties so that players don't have to try and count them all by hand
  • Reverted a previous change that force-fixed tinkered parts when validating them in career mode as it was found to be confusing, we'll add a fix button in the future instead

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug leaving the mobile joysticks in the wrong position after doing a tutorial
  • Updated Unity to fix an issue with the previous versions crashing on exit on iOS and macOS
  • Fixed a bug crashing the game when validating electric motors
  • Fixed a bug that could cause mods to break if they were using the InspectorModel.AddGroup method

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