If the system gets stuck on loading when you make a new game with it, make sure you are not on the expiromental version of the game, that seems to be breaking it.

Astrae is my attempt at a good, unique system. You wont recognize a single planet in this system, as I've built this system from the ground up.

I didnt want to write a long, boring description, and photos are VERY limmeting, so heres a nice little trailer I made (Click the Image):

Miere, the crater planet unfortunetly does not have a collidable surface. No idea why, but I cant report a bug until I upload the system

This system has an expiration date of 30 years,
Making planets tidally locked isnt a perfect science, and takes a ton of micro-adjusting to get accurate, even then its not perfect. By 30 years into the system (its a lot, trust me) alot of the planets reliant on tidal locking will be far enough off course to look weird, and by 20 years youll definetly notice a difference


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.508.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Juno 139.1 Mm 274.0 m/s - -
Vok Juno 500 km 4.2 m/s 6,917.8 Mm 6,205.5 Mm
Kharth Juno 1,154 km 7.3 m/s 16,242.8 Mm 15,644.6 Mm
Mourd Kharth 450 km 4.5 m/s 25,773 km 23,957 km
Loki Juno 1,550 km 8.5 m/s 21,002.4 Mm 18,179.7 Mm
Mier Juno 270 km 2.9 m/s 35,935.6 Mm 32,235.4 Mm
Eite Mier 70 km 0.9 m/s 1,114 km 1,112 km
Gargantuan COM Juno 50 km 20.00 km/s 60,679.7 Mm 59,141.2 Mm
Gargon Gargantuan COM 3,000 km 12.2 m/s 4,412 km 4,412 km
Gargan Gargantuan COM 3,000 km 12.2 m/s 4,412 km 4,412 km
Lustro Gargantuan COM 337 km 3.4 m/s 32,682 km 32,137 km
Crevasse Gargantuan COM 270 km 2.9 m/s 45,997 km 45,905 km
Arion Gargantuan COM 350 km 3.7 m/s 75,825 km 69,239 km
Burge Juno 270 km 2.9 m/s 90,166.5 Mm 72,003.6 Mm


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  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i've downloaded it yeah, gladly can say that it went perfectly, it took a bit long to load which made me worry a bit but in the end it worked fine, the planetary bodies look and feel great btw

    +1 3.3 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @Zenithspeed Ik I'm late to the reply but I don't think astrea is a super demanding system, should be about the same as the stock system. If you tried it did it work?

    3.3 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i'm tempted to download this cause of the high quality but i'm scared that it will just straight up break my SR2 again

    3.3 years ago
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    4.1 years ago
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    You’re no help, but I think planet studio is a website

    4.1 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @ILoveSpaceALot supposedly somewhere in the settings there should be a button to open the dev console, and if you get that open typing in "PlanetStudio" will open up planet studio. Past that is where my knowledge ends though, as I neither play on mobile nor have ever owned an ios device.

    4.1 years ago
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    @McDuetchVan, is it possible to make systems on IOS? If so, please tell me!

    4.1 years ago
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    @McDuetchVan, is it possible to make systems on IOS? If so, please tell me!

    4.1 years ago
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    @totallynotpheonixSC buang ka!

    4.1 years ago
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    @Mcdutchvan I was able to get it working on my phone it’s cool 10000000000000/10

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @Thepro673 bisaya ako bro

    4.1 years ago
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    @MRLYLEGAMING alam mo mag bisaya.

    4.1 years ago
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    @Thepro673 ba't bisaya???

    4.1 years ago
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    Di man ma load dugay kaayo .

    4.1 years ago
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    Piste walay mga boot piste yawa mga buang.

    4.1 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @Unforgettable69 Ich würde, aber ich weiß nicht genau, wo das Problem liegt.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    3,429 AVAXON

    @McDuetchVan Okay interessant.Dan ist es ein Fehler im System.Vieleicht kannst du es beheben,und neu hochladen?

    4.1 years ago
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    @McDuetchVan I load it in PlanetStudio and save it and load it and it doesn't work@(#,'d(@?'dk.

    4.1 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @totallynotpheonixSC A ton of people have had that bug. Even I can't load in the system after downloading it from the website on the laptop I made the system on, but some people seem to have it working fine, so I think it's just a random bug. I've been told that uninstalling the beta version of the game if you have it can help, and I've had some success loading it into the planet studio system editor, saving it there, and then loading that into the game.

    4.1 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @Unforgettable69 Nein, ich denke es ist wahllos. Sogar der Laptop, auf dem ich das System erstellt habe, kann nicht von der Website in das System geladen werden. Es ist eine Art Panne, wie das Spiel zum ersten Mal in einem System geladen wird.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    cant play cuz it keeps crashing at loding screen please help

    4.2 years ago
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    3,429 AVAXON

    @McDuetchVan Ok cool kein Problem.Ich hätte noch eine Frage.Weiß du ob es sich lohnen würde ein Handy mit nur zwei RAM mehr einen unterschied machen würde?Also von 6gbRam auf 8 GB RAM?Ich habe zwar ein gamer Laptop aber ich teste gerne verschiedene Smartphones aus um zu schauen wie sie in diesem Spiel am besten funktioniert mit der Grafik und Anzahl an Teilen.

    4.2 years ago
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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @Unforgettable69 Viele andere Leute hatten dieses Problem, ich habe keine Ahnung, was die Lösung ist oder was sie verursacht (Entschuldigung, wenn dies schlecht ist, verwende ich Google Übersetzer).

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    3,429 AVAXON

    Bei mir funktioniert es nicht 6 GB RAM Samsung Smartphone

    4.2 years ago
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    @McDuetchVan I will wait for the next version of the game

    4.2 years ago
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