NOTE: Mortan is a large and resource-intensive system, in addition to being old and outdated. Game crashes or other performance issues are prone to occurring, especially on older or lower end devices. Lowering the game quality is reccommended.
A fictional, wacky star system composed of a multitude of planets and moons. With ten major planets, several habitable worlds, and many other celestial bodies, Mortan is something straight out of fantasy science fiction. Nearly every celestial body has its own lore and/or explanation in its description; if you are confused why something is as it is, then those will likely help. Planet to star distances are in real/VB scale, but scales relative to planets are still in the 1/5th (ingame) scale.
Version 1.5.1 - Flareout
"Minor" update for the game's updates of version 0.9.923 and beyond, including the titular solar flare shader and some other miscellaneous changes. Yes, this is the one that got delayed by a lot.
- Namalato: Greatly increased lava and atmosphere temperature, alongside visual and atmospheric changes
- Arvidon: Fixed the atmosphere and fog shader looking weird, alongside making the terrain no longer appear "wet" (i finally got rid of the overly high reflectance smoothness)
- Vazur: Recolored terrain to be slightly more realistic, increased atmosphere height, mildly recolored clouds and modified their generation for a "rough" and more turbulent appearance, added more lore to description
- Fargon: Some changes to terrain, and improved description with a plausible explanation for the boulder spikes
- Merak: Adjusted ring orientation, revamped atmosphere shader, added city lights, added a village on the main continent and a weather station on a small island, updated description to match current Hypernova lore (no more weird pigments and stuff, now its red-colored bacteria)
- Vetiro: Adjusted atmosphere and ring, improved launch site and refinery
- Cyrrius: Minor terrain changes, completely revamped clouds (now has a mixture of cirrus, cumulocirrus, and altocirrus, alongside better storms)
- Spinar: New storms (again), changed cloud design (also again), mildly recolored cloud colors, completely revamped sky shader
- Vantormia: Slightly adjusted rings, added second floating base
- Ptorema: Revamped cloud cover and remade atmosphere sky shader
- Added custom logos to major celestial bodies, they are included in the PS description, with the link, so that they will be visible on the site with future updates without me having to constantly find and copy-paste it, at the cost of mildly ruining the "cleanliness" of PS descriptions
- Added landmark placeholders with descriptions (only visible in PS structure editor) for when making custom careers will be available to use for everyone, currently they are on the following celestial bodies: Namalato, Arvidon, Vazur, Cyrrius, Spinar
- General orbit & tidal locking adjustments
- Added a "general celestial body changes" section into the update logs, this will be used to display changes that affect multiple celestial bodies but are generally the same change throughout
- Removed Gigantus, Saruve, Lahitoga, Ukadiron, Volute, SCC, and Kearul (they will all return later however, either in version 1.6 or 2.0, or, in the case of Saruve and Volute, as a seperate planet in a future ZG version)
- Resized and revamped all of the old gas giants (Spinar, Vantormia, Ptorema) to prepare for the transition to real scale in 2.0
- Recolored the orbit lines of all major planets
Most assets for terrain textures and/or rings are not made by me, and credit goes to their respective creators. I will not list them here as there are too many, and also because my memory is garbage in general to remember all of them.
If an in-game celestial body's name either resembles a, or is exactly the same as a real-life celestial body, then please take note that this is unintended and coincidental - if any name may have an offensive meaning, please tell me and i will rename it later unless the celestial body is a crucial part of the planetary system, in which case a warning text in its description will be added instead.
- Predecessor: Mortan System 1.5 - "Looking Back"
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
Name | Parent | Radius | Surface Gravity | Apoapsis | Periapsis |
Mortan | 133.2 Mm | 243.0 m/s | - | - | |
Namalato | Mortan | 978 km | 7.8 m/s | 1,501.6 Mm | 1,501.3 Mm |
Arvidon | Mortan | 527 km | 5.8 m/s | 14,834.2 Mm | 9,093.1 Mm |
Tedar | Arvidon | 433 km | 3.4 m/s | 5,974 km | 5,782 km |
Gratos | Arvidon | 345 km | 2.4 m/s | 16,658 km | 14,763 km |
Vazur | Mortan | 1,386 km | 8.6 m/s | 28,960.9 Mm | 26,065.8 Mm |
Fargon | Vazur | 18 km | 0.1 m/s | 20,766 km | 11,312 km |
Merak | Mortan | 1,330 km | 9.2 m/s | 58,260.2 Mm | 56,781.5 Mm |
Rocc | Merak | 31 km | 0.4 m/s | 4,961 km | 4,595 km |
Muri | Merak | 148 km | 2.9 m/s | 7,547 km | 7,241 km |
Lumina | Merak | 528 km | 5.6 m/s | 20,769 km | 18,569 km |
Vetiro | Merak | 305 km | 3.3 m/s | 50,721 km | 46,779 km |
Manta | Vetiro | 285 km | 2.4 m/s | 4,517 km | 4,294 km |
Shamrip | Manta | 128 km | 3.2 m/s | 1,121 km | 1,113 km |
Cyrrius | Mortan | 785 km | 7.7 m/s | 64,716.2 Mm | 62,911.0 Mm |
Exlungadus | Cyrrius | 36 km | 0.2 m/s | 2,602 km | 2,421 km |
Pirzer | Cyrrius | 53 km | 0.2 m/s | 9,007 km | 7,024 km |
Crakliuzo | Cyrrius | 285 km | 1.1 m/s | 19,899 km | 17,100 km |
Hegam | Cyrrius | 44 km | 0.1 m/s | 39,422 km | 31,997 km |
Spinar | Mortan | 12,771 km | 19.2 m/s | 99,339.6 Mm | 90,176.6 Mm |
Makro | Spinar | 9,928 m | 0.5 m/s | 23,265 km | 23,260 km |
Tokrilin | Spinar | 125 km | 1.5 m/s | 65,324 km | 65,193 km |
Tetra | Spinar | 202 km | 1.2 m/s | 145.7 Mm | 126.4 Mm |
Anubis | Spinar | 444 km | 8.5 m/s | 284.4 Mm | 226.8 Mm |
Sortis | Spinar | 644 km | 9.6 m/s | 467.7 Mm | 439.1 Mm |
Vantormia | Mortan | 5,190 km | 11.8 m/s | 137,196.2 Mm | 122,127.9 Mm |
Arklis | Vantormia | 549 km | 6.5 m/s | 66,090 km | 60,155 km |
Ptorema | Mortan | 22,310 km | 28.6 m/s | 220,025.4 Mm | 200,863.9 Mm |
Ruktes | Ptorema | 60 km | 1.0 m/s | 48,719 km | 45,813 km |
Ampus | Ptorema | 38 km | 0.0 m/s | 112.7 Mm | 94,693 km |
Karma | Ptorema | 488 km | 2.9 m/s | 194.6 Mm | 169.1 Mm |
Crutan | Ptorema | 808 km | 5.5 m/s | 317.5 Mm | 285.2 Mm |
Mraz | Mortan | 230 km | 2.8 m/s | 331,799.3 Mm | 304,670.0 Mm |
Friziko | Mraz | 163 km | 0.8 m/s | 2,212 km | 2,208 km |
Clodno | Mraz | 19 km | 0.3 m/s | 19,222 km | 4,719 km |
Ravan | Mortan | 12,458 km | 32.0 m/s | 502,805.5 Mm | 474,009.1 Mm |
Naverus | Ravan | 39 km | 0.1 m/s | 101.0 Mm | 100.8 Mm |
Nyr | Ravan | 1,104 km | 4.5 m/s | 352.2 Mm | 333.5 Mm |
Karostus | Ravan | 543 km | 5.8 m/s | 1,568.2 Mm | 1,396.4 Mm |
Polinia | Ravan | 375 km | 2.6 m/s | 2,251.0 Mm | 2,039.9 Mm |
Zudra | Ravan | 9,244 km | 12.0 m/s | 3,639.4 Mm | 3,371.3 Mm |
Chalucra | Zudra | 41 km | 0.7 m/s | 81,574 km | 79,298 km |
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27.1k Zenithspeed
@PZLAgencies bro, it is my system and i decide what i'm doing with it
4,422 PZLAgencies
@Zenithspeed alright Mraz should be reclassified to dwarf planet in 1.6.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@PZLAgencies Mraz is literally right there, it's small, icy, and has an atmosphere
4,422 PZLAgencies
@Zenithspeed so 1.6 won’t come anytime soon, am i correct? but just make sure to add that icy dwarf planet.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@PZLAgencies 1.6 is a big revamp prior to entering 2.0 so it'll be a while until that comes out
4,422 PZLAgencies
1.6 needs a icy dwarf planet with an atmosphere (also just wondering when 1.6?)
4,422 PZLAgencies
1.6 needs a icy dwarf planet with an atmosphere (also just wondering when 1.6?)
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries no longer in the system (lore has been changed so that they were never there to begin), i removed them for the time being, since they were generally "filler" planets — Gigantus will return in 1.6, but Saruve will be moved into a system in ZG2 and updated accordingly
15.8k Tallisar
What happened to Saruve and Gigantus? Were they destroyed or are the no longer the in system?
15.8k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed Not really, I put a lot of rings in a star system, framerate went from 60 to 22
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries i've seen plenty of vids about uni sandbox (mostly the second game though) and i know how good it is, problem is that it would probably turn my laptop into a supernova
15.8k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed Oh ok, I use Universe Sandbox as a system creator. Has more features than the solar smash 'cause it's a space game ofc. But they plan to release it on mobile sometime later. Prolly 1-10(maximum) years, idk. But if you have a PC or laptop, download Steam and buy it. It was really great, but they soon ruined it because of some stupid update.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries i don't have it, but i did have Solar Smash and instead of AC i remade TRAPPIST-1 in its system creator (this was prior to devs adding in planets from TRAPPIST though)
15.8k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed Oh nice. I don't know if you have Universe Sandbox but, I made my version of Alpha Centauri and I'd love to add it.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries they're only really that detailed because they were my first planets (2 years) i ever made and saved, so obviously during that time i could make them a lot better, their original versions are pretty crappy though some do still share a lot with the modern versions
15.8k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed I am on pc and I don't know how to make a single damn planet, that is detailed like merak or spinar.
it's out
it's finally out god damn it
sorry for delaying this for so long, i still have so darn many projects to work on lol
i actually dunno what comes next, ZG2 is in the plans but one month of August isn't gonna be enough to upload over 100 celestial bodies so i'll most likely push it over to next year's summer since this year's winter break is also gonna be too short for that... might just post some random crafts i've been constantly delaying too :D