various missions were sent to the Tau Ceti system consisting of uncrewed probes and eventually human carrying starships, as part of a push for humanity to colonize more star systems. Elpis was decided to be the best candidate for human colonization due to its convenient location in the habitable zone of the star. The Elpis Launch Center and Elpis Launch Colony were constructed. After the activation of the Tracking station, a strong radio signal was detected coming from the north pole of Kratos, a different moon around Hera. The signal was a loop of a strong radio emission, followed by silence. The time for the signal to loop was 82.3392 seconds, which is a 10,000th of the time needed for Kratos to complete an orbit. The signal prompted plans for a mission to investigate its origins. bringing crew is practically required since the radio emission interferes with any signals sent to remote controlled crafts.


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Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Tau Ceti 550.1 Mm 214.5 m/s - -
Algea Tau Ceti 15,290 km 11.8 m/s 20,078.9 Mm 20,038.8 Mm
Anax Tau Ceti 11,678 km 17.0 m/s 36,566.8 Mm 36,203.8 Mm
Apate Tau Ceti 13,379 km 20.6 m/s 81,006.3 Mm 80,844.5 Mm
Elpis Apate 7,118 km 12.1 m/s 539.2 Mm 525.4 Mm
Arae Tau Ceti 21,828 km 38.7 m/s 203,445.1 Mm 198,237.0 Mm
Hera Tau Ceti 33,146 km 14.2 m/s 497,786.2 Mm 492,844.3 Mm
Talos Hera 188 km 0.1 m/s 127.6 Mm 127.3 Mm
Zelos Hera 713 km 0.2 m/s 416.7 Mm 382.7 Mm
Kratos Hera 1,489 km 0.8 m/s 666.1 Mm 621.7 Mm
Coeus Tau Ceti 1,439 km 0.8 m/s 1,880,829.0 Mm 1,877,071.0 Mm
Caerus Coeus 51 km 0.0 m/s 18,238 km 15,388 km


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    [spoilers if anyone is looking here]

    I made the star map using Space Engine, idk if you have it but if you do, You can select Tau Ceti, go into the universe map, zoom out to ~20 light years, turn on celestial grids, align yourself to be at -90 degrees pitch (facing down,) and 0 degrees heading (the center of the MikyWay is up on your screen when you are facing at -90 pitch) You then should be able to see the map. I think all the weird close stuff is there because I had the setting that generates non-real stars turned on, and so there were a bunch of fake stars that were way too close, and I was running on autopilot I guess so I didnt notice. The map also shows a line with bars at 10 and 20 lightyear distances, which doesnt make sense because the aliens that made all the displays wouldnt be using lightyears as measures of distance.

    Some stars being red was supposed to imply further alien presence at those stars, just like the red markers on the system maps implied a beacon station was on that body.

    +1 3 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast Oh that's awesome, it definitely feels like an accomplishment lol.

    [Serious spoiler]

    I figured the map part out, but I couldn't really get why the three Eridanis are red lol. Are they just for reference? I also don't get the other part of the map, as it shows stuff within a 0.5 ly radius, that's why I got confused.
    Nice work, It's a beautiful system and very fun to explore

    3 months ago
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    @nacho370zn Wait you actually went to everything else aside from the radio signal on Kratos? That's really cool honestly, I didnt think anyone was actually gonna go explore any further than the signal anomaly. I thought I made things too vague for people to actually figure out what to do after. Yeah, the final thing isn't supposed to lead anywhere, Its just a reward for doing all of that.

    [potentual spoiler for anyone]

    its supposed to be a star map showing other stars near the Tau Ceti system.

    +2 3 months ago
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    Hey so [spoiler but I'll try to be vague] I got to the end of the mystery, is there actually something "beyond" or this all we got? It was really fun and challenging btw lol, just asking if I should put man hours trying to map what's there at the end

    3 months ago
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    Love the details and the designs of the planets 10/10 system

    8 months ago
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    System Shock 2 anyone?

    9 months ago
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    @deepfriedfrenchtoast what about Dune movie star system

    9 months ago
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    @Hyperant I know right

    +1 9 months ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    yooo he did it!!!!

    +2 9 months ago


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