IMPORTANT: to install this paste the .jar file in Jundroo/SimpleRockets 2/UserData/CraftDesigns
NOT in Jundroo/SimpleRockets 2/Mods
If your craft has a flight program it may break. If that's the case go to the XML and search for unknown or special chars, ? signs seem to be problematic sometimes
To use it just type the name of the craft (without .xml at the end) and how much do you want to resize it (2 for twice the sice, 0.1 for one tenth...)
This is an external tool in .jar format so you'll need to be able to open jar files for it to work and you won't be able to access it from the game. This tool resizes crafts even with mod parts to any other size you want with two modes:
- Tinker scale changes the size of everything using the tinker panel but the mass, price... of everything is still the same
- Legit scale tries to change the size and scale of all parts that allow it (fuselages, motors, wings, pistons...) and uses the tinker panel to scale all other parts (including mod parts), changing both the scale and the mass of the part
Thanks to the Complex Rockets team, specially Mario for helping me to test all the different versions of this tool.
- Mod Version: 1.0
- Required Juno: New Origins Version: 0.8
- Published: 10/27/2019
- Downloads: 3416
the website says its no longer available?
@Pedro does this work on I pad!??
@pedro16797 Mass is still being scaled during "Tinker Scale", otherwise this mod works perfectly
is there any way of resizing craft on the newest wersion on pc.because i need this resize tool
@Pedro i'm trying to resize a saved craft, but the program keep on saying that the file does not exist...i just copied and pasted the name of the file from the same folder where the .jar is...
any idea?
update with the new part size parameters?
@Jlyx1512 Search for %appdata% on the windows home search option, that'll bring you to the AppData folder
@pedro16797 Mine is windows 10, i downloaded the game from steam, but i can't seem to find the files
@Jlyx1512 it depends on your OS. For windows the Jundroo folder is under LocalLow, in AppData
what's the full address of where i'm supposed to paste the file?
@pedro16797 Thank you im wary about my PC cause it cost a ton.
@GSpace it's a script from an unknown source, most OSs will warn you about that. Doesn't mean it's malicious, it means it may be malicious and you're opening it at your own risk. In this case, it isn't malicious.
UUUMMMM my PC wont download it because it says its malicious.... Whats going on here?
@OrbiteX yeah, this was made for windows long ago and is now discontinued, sorry. I've heard some users saying it still works, so you could try asking someone with windows to do it for you.
having issues with opening file on Mac
lol "legit resize"
yes, it is in craft designs that contains the .xml files here:
@Khaledx is the program in the same folder?
when i write the craft name it says this file doesn't exist
@zzazza Thank you very much, that really solved my problem.XD
@zzazza Hm, I would check it but I have no time sorry
@pedro16797 No, my craft's name consists of English letters, no strange chars. I guess maybe this bug has something to do with the version of Java?
@zzazza weird, that bug never happened to me, are you using those chars in the craft names? That may be the source of the problem
@Adlll After it generates a new XML file, use notepad to open that file and delate the "诺?" at the beginning of the text and save it. Then go into the game and you can load it normally.