Update 22 December 2024:
Added AKU-170 - fake launcher for fake R-77
This launcher have 100% compatibility with R-77
See more information inAKU-170 launcher
section.Added 10 similar pylons with 100% compatibility with AKU-170
See more information inPylons
section.R-77 - updated 3d-model of tail rudders
Update 28 Jule 2024:
- Added new fake missile - AIM-120C-5
- AIM-120B - little texture and model fixes
Update 8 Jule 2024:
- 2A42 - added
modifier in special section.
Update 26 June 2024:
- Fake unguided rocket S-24B turned into real unguided rocket:
- Improved bomb physics
- FAB-500 M-62NV: added hidden modifier
- AIM-120B: little texture fix, removed yellow table "CAUTION" from nose
- 2A42: added modifiers
. The modifier_bulletGravityEnabled
allow you to disable bullet gravity. It can help you to create some kind of laser cannon.
Update 9 June 2024:
Fixed problem with attach points. Now you can attach missile more easily:
2A42 turned into real autocannon, that can apply splash damage:
Scroll down to 2A42 section to see detailed description
Hello, JNO Community!
I present to you all my first mod: Fake weapons.
This mod contains some fake missiles, real autocannon, real unguided rocket and few real bombs:
You can find all weapons in Weapons Category:
Full weapons list:
- R-77
- AIM-120B
- AIM-120C-5
- R-27ER
- R-27R
- R-27ET
- R-27T
- R-27EP
- R-27P
- R-27EA
- FAB-500 M-62
- FAB-500 M-62NV
- FAB-500 M-54
- FAB-250 M-62
- OFAB-250-270
- OFAB-100-120
- S-24B
- 2A42
Launchers list:
- AKU-170
Pylons list:
- WingPylon-long
- WingPylon-short
- WingPylon-long-symmetry
- WingPylon-short-symmetry
- FuselagePylon-long
- FuselagePylon-short
- FuselagePylon-long-symmetry
- FuselagePylon-short-symmetry
- Pylon-long
- Pylon-short
All guided missiles in this mod are fake. But you can attach these missiles to your aircraft and make better screenshots! Every missile have description, you can read it in Weapons category.
Bombs have own realistic physics:
This physics based on air density, air speed and bomb aerodynamics characteristics, that you can find in hidden properties.
Weapons have different modifiers:
2A42 have muzzle brake modifier, that allow you to rotate muzzle brake.
All bombs have camera modifer, that allow you to set the bomb as camera target in game.
Also, bombs have "Decorations modifier". This modifier allow to hide bomb detonator ropes:
In any way, they become invisible after bomb launch from pylon.
You can find S-24B in Weapons catergory:
- enable or disable flame.
- enable or disable smoke.
- enable or disable engine sound after launch.
Autocannon 2A42:
You can find 2A42 in Weapons catergory:
To shoot you should activate Activation Group 4 (bu default)
. The firing of cannon depends from this input controller:
Main section:
- shots per second. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000. But in fact there is no sense to make this value more than 60.
- mass of bullet in kilograms. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000. The cannon recoil force depends from this, but bullet trajectory -no. When you increase/decrease bullet mass, the drag changes too. For this reason bullet with different mass. but with same bulletStartSpeed
and bulletDragMultiplier
will have same ballistic trajectory.
- start speed of bullet in m/s. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 5000. As i mentioned, recoil depends from this.
- the damage of bullet. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000. This value increases damage
parameter of parts and destroying them.
- when enabled, then exposion of bullet apply damage to parts in splashRadius
When disabled, apply damage only to part that was hitted.
- radius of explosion splash in meters. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000.
- spread angle of bullets in degrees. Programmatically limited from 0 to 45. Defined the accuracy of shooting.
- drag multiplier of bullet. Programmatically limited from 0 to 1000. More value => bullet faster loses own speed.
- count of shots. Programmatically limited from 1 to 100000.
Physics section:
- enable or disable muzzle brake:
If disabled, then muzzle flash have no side smoke and side fire. Also, disabling muzzle brake increased recoil and side recoil at 150%.
- angle of muzzle brake.
- enable or disable recoil. Recoil = bulletMass
* bulletStartSpeed
- enable or disable side recoil. Calculates as recoil
/ 5. This type of recoil create vibrations:
- enable or disable bullet gravity.
Effects section:
- enable or disable muzzle flash.
- enable or disable muzzle smoke.
- enable or disable muzzle sparks.
- enable or disable bullet trail.
- set the width of bullet trail. Programmatically limited from 0 to 100.
- set the color of bullet trail. Possible values: Yellow, Red and Green.
- enable or disable bullet explosion after hit.
- set the scale of bullet explosion. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000.
Shell extraction section:
- enable or disable the extraction of shell. Enabling of this can reduce your PR performance
- enable or disable the extraction of bullet chain. You can disable this to simulate chain-less autocannons. Enabling of this can reduce your PR performance
- lifetime of shell and chain in seconds. Programmatically limited from 0.001 to 1000.
- speed of shell and chain in m/s. Programmatically limited from 0 to 1000.
- the angle of extraction of shells and chains. Programmatically limited from 0 to 45.
- the scale of shells and chains.Programmatically limited from 0.1 to 10. This can be very big if you want:
Sound section:
- enable or disable the shot sound.
- volume of shot. Programmatically limited from 0 to 1.
Other section:
- maximal lifetime of bullet in seconds. After this time bullet will self-explode. Self-explosion not create damage.
Special section:
- makes mesh of autocannon invisible in level.
AKU-170 launcher:
You can find this launcher in Weapons category, same place with another weapons:
This decorate launcher have two configurations: Long for long pylons and Short for short pylons:
The 3d-model of this launcher have 3 holes at upper side. The first and last hole used by long pylons, the first and middle hole - by short pylons:
You can disable visibility of axes of cover.
It have 2 attach points: for perfect attaching to Long and Short pylons:
This launcher are decorate, it makes nothing.
You can find these pylons in Weapons category, same place with another weapons:
These similar pylons belongs to Long or Short group. These pylons are decorate, it makes nothing.
Every bomb have own mass of explosive material. You can find it in hidden properties too. For example, FAB-500 M-62 have 200 kg of hull weight + 169.4 count of explosive material that have 1.77 density. In result it give 500 kg bomb weight.
But i have decided that result explosive power not enough for bomb behaviour. For this reason all bombs have 1000% explosiveness scale.
Some bugs:
Probably, sometimes bomb will not expode after hit in ground. I'm still investigate the reason of this behaviour.
Also, if you have find some bug, please write about it in the comments.
Do not forget to delete old version of the mod before downloading new version!
Press on "PC/MAC", then on "Download", it redirect you to Google Drive. The mod size 98MB, site allows upload only 20MB. For this reason you can dowload this mod only from Google Drive or MEGA NZ.
Google Drive link:
MEGA NZ link:
- Mod Version: 1.4
- Required Juno: New Origins Version:
- Published: 3/23/2024
- Downloads: 3950
@MELlel Nevermind i figured it out
Stupid question but how do drop bombs/launch unguided missles. i cant find anything ingame and i also cant find an explanation
@hoangthi Thanks!
I love this ❤
Thank you!
Thank you for putting so much work in to this, every second spent on this is absolutely worth it!!!
Mod was updated to 1.4.
Mmmhhh, that's nice
This is so cool I’ve been waiting for weapons in simple rockets 2 to for a while
Can you add nuclear bombs and nuclear warheads? and if it is possible an explosion in mushroom form, it would be great for a future mod update :)
@Professorison There is actually no mod support. Sorry!
@jaggleberry You need to attach bomb to some detacher, assign activation group to detacher and activate it
Colossal noob here:
How do I drop the bombs in flight?
I can’t wait to bomb civili-
My non-existent lawyer has advised me not to finish that sentence.
@Sturmmorser DAMMIT
@Professorison you cant
We need these shell casing animations in simple planes
How do you download this on mobile
Seem to have a problem. None of the weapons attach to anything; Attach points don't clip together?
Fix to Real Weapons
Dammit! I can't download it on IOS!
@KaiStudios same :( i love weapons but we can't have it.:(
I’m on mobile and this is a mod meaning i cant download it. But i know its good
@froge thx for the info
@PanzerTeam23 mods don’t work on mobile that i know of