So, I decided to change the concept of a Simplegalaxy. Only 3 star systems that revolve far around the Juno system. I decided to tackle the quality of the planets and systems.
Here will be: Droxima Ventauri, Dugol and Aerta system (Black hole with a couple of unusual planets).
I will probably do this when a full-fledged planetary editor becomes available.
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15.8k Tallisar
I am not after the looks or quality, and I after the fun, @BarsikKT. Before I even joined JNO, the first thing I ever downloaded was Simple Galaxy. Plus, it is not just me and @ChaseyWasey who wants it back, but surely more than the two of us. You may do it if you want, I just want to let you know that your work will gladly be remembered by me. - Hyperant
7,088 BarsikKT
@ChaseyWasey @Hyperant Heya guys, i know its pretty dead planet pack. Just i dropped this game around 4 years ago (or 3?). I had burnout, perhaps bar was is too high. SimpleGalaxy was fun time in my live. But even if I go back to it, it's probably outdated. Now there are already many planet creators who can do more and better than me. Maybe I shouldn't have chased quality? Or I'm just tired of the daily routine of studying the creation of planets and trying to create something more unusual and better than it was in SG2? Idk. I'm glad anyway that someone appreciates my work. When I was making SG3, I was still in school. Now I'm finishing college. This is so unusual, as if it happened yesterday. However, I don't know when I will return to developing SG3. Anyway, if anyone wants to chat with me, I have discord - barsikkt
15.8k Tallisar
@BarsikKT I hope you see this. Can you bring back SimpleGalaxy? I saw when it came out but now I miss it. :(
1,993 MVP13
@BarsikKT, печально. А сделать Juno чёрной дырой невозможно?
(Поменять текстуру) -
7,088 BarsikKT
@MVP13 Вариант с вращением около черной дыры отпадает, ибо это проблемы со светом дает
1,993 MVP13
Может, сделать три-четыре звездные системы, которые вращаются в одной плоскости вокруг черной дыры? Блуждающие звезды и белые/коричневые карлики?
8,223 IntegratedSpaceSystems
@BarsikKT okay, I was just wondering. I love the systems you've made so far!
8,223 IntegratedSpaceSystems
Do you have any plans to change how solar energy works in the system? You've got three stars but only 1 actually produces light or energy for solar panels
7,088 BarsikKT
@Deanolt Наоборот хорошо, не будет диких лагов у некоторых, и тем более очень тяжело менять овер 10 систем
@BarsikKT why is SimpleGalaxy I and II removed?