
Hi All,

With the help of plenty of community members (WNP, pedro, nathan, cofi, mario, nota, mod), I've managed to leverage the output of SR2Logger to create an external real time map.

Basic features:

  • Resizable window which scales everything accordingly (automaintains a 2:1 aspect ratio for mapping)
  • Shows 'realtime' position of craft
  • Shows 'realtime' heading of craft
  • Completely written in powershell (requires no additional software on windows)


  • SR2Logger mod installed and enabled

Download / Links

Installation notes

  • Make sure you are running the Beta branch of SimpleRockets 2 in steam
  • Download, install, and enable the SR2Logger mod in SR2 (2nd link)
  • Close SR2
  • Download and extract the zip from the repo link below. the PSMap files are located in:

    • <extractionpath>SR2Logger/SR2Logger-Addons/PSMap

  • Before SR2 is running, launch the script:

    • SR2Logger/SR2Logger-Addons/PSMap/SR2Logger-PSMap-v0.1.ps1

  • How to launch:

    1. Open a new powershell console (Windows Key + R, type: powershell, hit Enter)

    2. Navigate to the directory which contains the script files:

      • cd <fullpath>

      • example:

        • cd C:\gitdirectory\SR2Logger\SR2Logger-Addons\PSMap

    3. Execute the script:

      • .\SR2Logger-PSMap-v0.1.ps1

    4. Now Launch SR2

    5. Load whatever craft you would like

    6. Add the gizmo "SR2Logger-PSMap" somewhere on your craft

    7. Launch craft

    8. To enable map connection: Activate AG3

      • (you can change this to whatever AG on the SR2Logger-PSMap gizmo)

In the future, you can launch the script whenever you like, but the process above ensures that the prefab'd gizmo and SR2Logger_PSMap flight program assets are available when you first try PSMap.

Additional notes and details

It does feature some advanced powershell(and programming in general) concepts such as classes and runspaces, but should be very familiar to anyone comfortable with C#, as it leverages a lot of the same structures, but simplified (imagine c# had a baby with python)

I've uploaded a copy of the mod I compiled on my own Windows 10 machine. The mod is currently staged in the website mods list, but not currently available, so only making this available through the post to enable people to try using PSMap.

Possible future features

  • orbit display
  • flightpath display/history
  • day/night positions
  • network functionality (see where your friends are flying!)
  • Aperture Radar parts so that you have to scan planetary surface to use the map: giving a purpose of launching sats [AnotherFirefox]


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    7,237 Nethereal

    @PorkyClown3 I plan to do that, however this was more a proof of concept and a few people said they’d like to have an external map so I just ripped the map part of the code out of the larger project and put it together.

    Currently working on a powershell based panel system which could be (I think) completely customizeable from vizzy, provided you have the SR2Logger mod enabled, and an operating Orange Black Box.

    I’ll make a newer map ‘Panel’ as part of some built in panels in the project, and that version will be where I put any improvements

    4.9 years ago
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    6,278 Pjork

    Possible to show orbital lines?

    4.9 years ago
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    3,285 Davidtheduke


    5.0 years ago
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    @Nethereal :(

    5.0 years ago
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    7,237 Nethereal

    Full credit to WNP78 for the SR2Logger mod which made this addon possible and provided plenty of support whenever I had questions
    Would have linked to the mod in the gallery but it is not yet visible

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    7,237 Nethereal

    @AnotherFireFox couldn't do that dynamically. This reads data directly from vizzy, so in principal, the active craft...

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    Add Synthetic Aperture Radar parts so that you have to scan planetary surface to use the map: giving a purpose of launching sats

    5.0 years ago
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    5.0 years ago
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    I wish this worked on iOS so I could use it.

    5.0 years ago


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