With SimplePlanes using a few 3rd party modifications within the game package such as targeting and blueprints, I’m curious if a plane could be built in SimplePlanes and then exported to SimpleRockets 2 if that were possible. The reason for that would be to make building planes simpler for some players used to SP. I previously did test flights for that game but considering the new tools for the other game it has a massive leap up on making planes.



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    @PointBreak I’ll pin your comment and have that post link there for anybody for reference.

    Pinned 5.1 years ago
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    1,114 PointBreak

    Blueprints would be awesome.
    Found this suggestion.

    Pinned 5.1 years ago
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    @CrashFighter05 I am putting this up as an idea because reverse compatibility is pretty common as a selling point and that jet engines, fuselage blocks, (struts?)and landing gear would be somewhat possible to transfer if XML had a method to translate part names; the devs didn’t copy and paste the parts after all.

    5.1 years ago
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    I think it’s a great idea!

    5.1 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    The would only translate through fuselages and wheels etc. you would need a script that could find lengths widths heights rises and runs, positions and rotations from SimplePlanes, and rewrite them into an SR2 XML file, very difficult but definitely possible.

    5.1 years ago
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    1,114 PointBreak

    @TopSecret2 Let's hope more people upvote it. It'd be really useful for replicas and whatnot.

    5.1 years ago
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    175 NoGoCars

    That would be neat, but no really possible. Unless it was made to where you couldn't edit it, other than that no. Simpleplanes uses a whole different style of building and a different pallet of parts. Still, would be neat.

    +1 5.1 years ago


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