I might have found a significant flaw in the game design in that regardless of whether you save a flight that happens the autopilot you configure (to eliminate oscillations) is not saved in that aircraft. So either I’m missing something regarding this or it needs to be implemented. Unfortunately the Forum Gnomes would probably accuse me of making a suggestion so I will suggest to suggesters to make that instead.

But honestly it’s a good thing that it’s not a suggestion yet because something like this could be configured by a Vizzy program. I tried taking off a Phantom fighter jet made by someone else using an automated Vizzy script and being relatively unstable the autopilot was barely workable until I found the right settings. Problem is the autopilot reverted to stock after I saved, quitted and launch the fighter again, after several attempts to make it fly without oscillations. Any help?



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    @crowxe Regardless the developers said that Vizzy is not complete quite yet, and that’s promising as some critical features such as orbital information would be needed for Vizzy to work on an interplanetary scale. It takes work to program that kind of concept. Also, what about user inputs like a text window?

    5.1 years ago
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    8,458 crowxe

    I agree, there should be a command in vizzy called "use command chip pilot sitting" . I wanted to upload crafts but they required special autopilot sittings so I didn't because it will only piss off those who download it

    5.1 years ago
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    Honestly there’s really no point to considering most of what you can do now is either make that a preflight adjustment where you open them before taking off, or do it while Vizzy is flying the craft for you.

    5.1 years ago
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    1,114 PointBreak

    Well, it actually took me a while to find that out when the auto pilot was released. Had a couple frustrating days always having to change the values until I "discovered" that.

    Edit: Now that I think about it, is there a way to permanently to always have the flight view, heading and activation groups open? It's really annoying having to open them in every single flight.

    5.1 years ago
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    Great! Now I feel stupid.

    5.1 years ago
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    1,114 PointBreak

    On the part properties of the command pod/chip, change the autopilot values to what you want, save the craft with the changes and they should remain the same.

    5.1 years ago

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