
Welcome to the newest edition of the SR2O! We have some interesting topics to go over today, So please fasten your seat belts!

SimpleRockets2 News

The user Mod Is now a Moderator exclusively on the SR2 Website.
sadness noises

Craft of the Week!

Altair-2a By SATA
Okay wow this is very cool, I love all the detail with the paint. Very pleasing to look at, I recommend to check this craft out, It is super cool!

Meme of the Week

awww crap no memes this week I promise I will make another SR2 meme

Interview With wwwNews222com

How did you discover SR2? First time i saw Elon Musk company Space x i fall in love with Space Rockets then i realized i am not good at math and then i keep looking for Space Simulation and i found SR 2 to play with and done testing and errors on my projects ! Then i found out SR 2 Founder Sr .Andrew Garrison worked at Boeing. so i come to know that SR 2 Physics must be close to Real life Physics that mean if i invent some thing on SR 2 it can be made by 3 D printer and can have Practical Application for Space ,NASA, Space X . and "Photoshop Guy" questions about my skill piss me off big time and push to me do invent and make crafts on SR 2 that never see before ! I gess making me unhappy turn me in to Genius Inventor in SR 2.
What is your favorite thing about SR2? New look and tools and Physics in SR2 are best !

Well Folks...

Thats about all for this edition of the SR2O, If you would like to be interviewed please click the blue text


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    Sorry For short edition lol

    Pinned 5.0 years ago
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    @yopo Thank you so much! I created the SR2O to make the community bigger and better, Seems like its working!

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    8 yopo

    PositivePlanes, thanks for taking the time and making the effort to write these SR2O's, it's like a Simple Rockets 2 online magazine or brief newspaper. I love to read them, and they enliven the SR2 forums. Keep up, the great work! :)

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    @PositivePlanes Okey thanks!

    +2 5.0 years ago
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    @AstronautPlanes do this; ![](image url)

    +1 5.0 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    @PositivePlanes Hey? How can you put images (idk f)

    +1 5.0 years ago


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