Heya guys!

so I am currently working on an imaginary weapons/ guns mod that will hopefully add laser guns, satellite strike type weapons, bombs, missiles, and so on. So far I have guns and lasers. The bombs and missiles are in development.

legacy download here for the community thing

for latest click here

disclaimer in case this magically blows up your pc: it was your fault downloading this :O

firing at night with tracers

(i didn't post to the mods section because this is too small to be a real mod yet)


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    120 Roijen

    @f18effect SaMe, BrUh

    BlEsS PeOpLe ThAt HaVe Pc

    4.3 years ago
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    @14ROVI sarà anche mobile?

    4.4 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    Add flares! Basically when you drop flares the enemy craft can't lock in you for 2 seconds aprox, you can customize how big the flare is depending on the size of your aircraft, and also how much it takes the flare to explode after being dropped.

    +3 4.7 years ago
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    5,713 Bori0

    Very cool

    4.7 years ago
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    5,251 14ROVI

    @f18effect ahahhahah

    4.8 years ago
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    Y cAn'T i PlAy It On MoBiLe

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    226 V

    I think the devs plan on adding weapons

    5.5 years ago
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    5,251 14ROVI

    @Andrewtheplane don't feel the need too because I think I'm perfectly capable of doing it all myself. But thank you for the offer :)

    5.5 years ago
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    @14ROVI Would you like me to work on some models for some of your weapons?

    5.5 years ago
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    5,251 14ROVI

    @nico412 you are perfect! Thank you so much for those ideas. I will definitely try to impling them!

    5.5 years ago
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    26.8k Nicole412


    New parts

    1-A fuselage block like part but it's called explosives bigger the size bigger the explosion (makes a bigger explosion than normal fuselages about 300%)
    1a- A button part to make the explosive block explode (we could put the button on the end of a bomb and would detonate the explosives)
    1b- A fuse part this would activate the moment the bomb dissconects from the main craft and you could change the time of detonation so if you had an a-bomb it would detonate in mid air
    2- Target guided bomb this woud be it's own part because making it procedual would be nearly impossible it works like this:
    *Target something on the ground by clicking it and targeting it
    *when de bomb gets dropped it tries to hit the target by gliding
    3- AtA missiles
    4- different types of explosives...idk c-4 uranium hidrogen you can go crazy with this

    ideas for guns

    1- more types of guns gatlings, revolver cannons, auto-cannons
    2-different types of amunition (i'm fine with explosive and different color tracers patterns)
    3-effects like water splashes when a bullet hits it and earth too
    4-more customization ej
    This would only affect auto cannons
    Bigger housing gives slower rof but less recoil
    A smaller housing gives more rof but higher recoil
    For gatlings and revolver cannons
    They have a lot more rpm but also have a lot more recoil
    Revolver cannons would be a lot lighter than gatlings but they would overheat a lot more so they would have to shoot in bursts of 20 rounds every 2 or 3 seconds
    5- ammo count you could add a box that we could type there the number of bullets the bigger the number the more heavy the gun becomes

    And thats about it

    +4 5.5 years ago
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    8 yopo


    5.5 years ago


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