Fusion Space is targeting January 29th at 16:30 GMT for the launch of MachCloud M1 onboard F2RE from Pad 01B at the National Space Center.

This'll be the second flight for this particular first stage (B2008) which previously flew LunaRock-1, and it will be performing a recovery at LZ-1. The booster will be landing testing a new landing profile which will save around 100 seconds of burn time. 

There will be no entry burn, meaning the booster will return at a much higher velocity. The landing burn will start with all 12 engines and quickly ramp down to 6 for the final touchdown.

The booster for this mission will also be stripped of its thermal paint for this one mission to observe the result of higher re-entry temperatures during landing.

MachCloud M1

MachCloud M1 is a prototype for the MachCloud Constellation, which aims to create the first in-space data storage network and provide the cheapest cloud storage services for Droods. Unlike ground based services, MachCloud has limitless space in orbit to create advanced satellites more capable than any standard cloud storage network.

With data gathered from MachCloud M1, MachX Industries will begin full production of MachCloud satellites and start launching 3 missions per month once their own rockets are ready for flight.

MachCloud M1 Payload Integration

Mission Timeline

Pre-Launch Timeline
T-1:00:00 - FD Conducts Go/No Go Poll
T-40:00 - Propellant Load S1 & S2
T-6:30 - Propellant Load Complete
T-6:00 - Strongback Retract
T-5:00 Tanks Pressing For Flight
T-1:00 F2RE Flight Computer Enabled
T-0:30 FD Final Go for Launch
T-0:10 Water Deluge
T-0:05 Aeolus Startup Sequence

Launch Timeline
T+0:00 - Liftoff
T+0:55 - Max Q
T+2:05 - Main Engine Cutoff
T+2:08 - Stage Separation
T+2:15 - Second Stage Start One
T+2:25 - Stage One Boostback
T+2:37 - Fairing Separation
T+2:53 - Stage One Boostback Shutdown
T+5:12 -Second Engine Cutoff One
T+5:57 - Stage One Landing Burn
T+6:25 - Stage One Landing at LZ-1
T+7:07 - MachCloud M1 Deployment

MachCloud M1 awaiting launch

B2008.1 at the pad for a second flight

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