Hear! O Loyal Followers!

I had an idea regarding the system that these planets are gonna be in. And I wanted to ask;
Would you like me to upload all of the systems in one cluster, or upload each system and then bundle them up?

Now what might I mean by this? Well, I have some big ideas cookin. These ideas span multiple systems, I'm shooting for 3 as of now. I meant, should I upload each system on its own or do you guys want me to wait until I upload all the planets and then upload the big huge star cluster?

I should mention, that I am also taking planet ideas. Not that I'm in any creative burnout, but I'd just like some ideas that I wouldn't come up with usually.

Thank you and stay safe my audience !



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    3,054 KSaf

    @Tallisar Also noted
    Thank you for the ideas, there isn't much space in this first system so I'm gonna add both of these in the next.

    one month ago
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    3,054 KSaf

    @Zenithspeed Noted

    one month ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    In my opinion, you should upload all the planets first, then make the system, as that is also what I am doing for my Antarius system. Another thing is that once you upload one, you can remove its file type and download the website version. For some reason, the planets do not appear when you upload them all together off the game. As for the ideas, I have two. The first is that you should make a tidally-locked planet, and the second is a moon with a large impact crater, like Brigo.

    one month ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i think you should upload everything on its own

    +1 2 months ago

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