Hello There

I'm here to share some crafts I've been working on and talk a bit about my experience playing SimpleRockets 2 over the past four years.

SimpleRockets 2 really drew me in because it lets me use my creativity and imagination to build things I love and actually see them work, which is fantastic for me. I got inspired to keep building more and more, creating crafts for the community to expand its content. I always wanted to deliver the best crafts I could, so each time I posted one, I would work on it for days or even weeks.

But it started to get a bit out of control when I aimed to create increasingly detailed builds to attract more people to use them. It went a little too far with my last project (if you haven’t seen it, it was a plane with a fully modeled interior and exterior). Naturally, I eventually abandoned it because I knew the end result wouldn’t be as satisfying, and it got to the point where even I couldn’t fly it without it running as a slideshow. That’s when I realized that the fun isn’t in making super-detailed crafts for the sake of gaining 100 upvotes but in creating something that genuinely makes a difference for others playing sandbox or career mode. So, I canceled all my projects, and it’s been about five months since I last completed one.

Now, I’m more focused on playing my own “career mode” in sandbox, progressing as I like and enjoying simpler builds without spending hours on extreme detailing. The lack of updates is also discouraging; I get it, I know it’s a small team, but I feel it’s time they bring in some new features that make the game genuinely fun to play and explore the system, not just build crafts to post on the site. For example, they could start with something the community has wanted for years—clouds on planets with atmospheres (not just with the recently released mod). They could also rework the re-entry effect, add functional parts to enhance gameplay, like new types of structures that reduce modeling time, combustion engines, or even a communication system similar to the DrooLink mod. This would allow all kinds of players to enjoy the challenge of launching a rocket into deep space and seeing how far they can control it.

I could say much more, as I've spent years playing both on PC and mobile, but that pretty much covers the main points. If you were looking forward to seeing a craft I posted in the gallery or even here on the forum, I apologize; I just don’t have the time or motivation to finish them anymore. Below, you’ll find links to all of them if you want to check them out, test them, or even finish and post them in the future. You don’t need my permission to publish them—I’d actually be happy to see one of them completed by another artist in the community.



C-390 Millennium:

Galileo Satellite:

Tupi Y4 Elementos:

Voyage 800E Urban:

Hermes Rover:

Cooper Test Stand:

Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO)

Thanks everyone for all support! 🤗


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    2,010 lafario


    +1 one month ago
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    Hie there. Realised too that making too much detailed crafts would take too much time and take away the fun from playing the game. Now focussing on basic crafts.

    +1 one month ago
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    4,955 NellEngineer

    @oMatheuszYT Muito obrigado! A única coisa que fiz foi tentar oferecer a melhor experiência para não só um jogador, mas sim para toda a comunidade. 🫂❤️‍🩹

    +1 one month ago
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    4,955 NellEngineer

    @Eduarddo Obrigado pelas palavras meu grande amigo. Tenho certeza que você também ajuda a comunidade até hoje com seus crafts que não só representa um recurso a todos, mas também como uma das melhores construções. 🙌🏼🫂

    +1 one month ago
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    Obrigado por tudo Beran ❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹, você é a inspiração de muitos builders do site.

    one month ago
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    6,968 Eduarddo

    Mano, você é, foi, e sempre será o melhor amigo que eu fiz em todos esses anos na internet, eu sempre vou te apoiar em tudo, e que bom que você pode contribuir pra essa comunidade com a sua insana criatividade e dom de construção. Te amo cara, espero que você seja muito feliz na sua vida ❤️

    one month ago
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    +1 one month ago


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