¡Hola señores y señoritas! Most things for this devlog have already been posted, like Tarsaeas, Jatharis, and Varqov. I have finally decided to tell y'all what that other "gas giant"/moon y'all have seen from the pictures that the idiot sent y'all.
Welcome, Hyperus!

I have also been working on some other aspects, like atmosphere and general detail.

I don't want to give away to much, whether it is lore or pics, because it is really special, not only for lore reasons, but also because it is pretty, and is based on one of my original planets, now renovated to my modern way of planets. For now, the rings are Tarsaeas' old texture, like, when it was called "Naiphus" type old. I also don't wanna give to much away about this next planet, as I want it to be hard to find, since lore-wise it too is hard to find, mainly because of reasons I will not say until its release.

Lastly, I just had to "shave" Zeraphus bald. Unfortunately, I had to remove the auroras because they kept bugging the moon, turning black, and creating random squares like Vortís back when it was in development. I did keep the clouds and atmosphere because of all the volcanoes and cracks creating dust, ash, whatever, essentially creating a thin atmosphere.

Bonus: Original Zeraphus was called "Zion"

¡Gracias por su atención! ¡AHORA VÁYASE!



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    13.0k Tallisar

    i hate this so much

    Pinned 28 days ago
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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    @Tallisar true, i did forget about it lol

    +1 26 days ago
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    13.0k Tallisar

    lol yeah. my intrusive thoughts told me to make it red xd @Zenithspeed. You also forgot about Osiris. yeah yeah, i get it has some brown poles, but the bands still count.

    +1 27 days ago
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    26.8k Zenithspeed

    gas giants prove that blue&white is one of the best color combos
    (i have also contributed, with Talune from Worand)

    28 days ago
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    these planets look fire (some of them are actually burning fire)

    +2 28 days ago


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