It’s been quite some time since I announced this plane here in the community, the ELR-90 will now be called N-290 continuing as the successor to the N-280F.

A lot of work has already been done since then, like most of the modeling and details. Unfortunately, the project was delayed because I lost the craft and had to pick up from my last private upload here on the site, but not much was lost.

There are still quite a few things to do on it, like the details of the cabin interior, bathroom, and kitchen. I wanted to put seats on the aircraft too, but that will make it even heavier so unfortunately it will not be possible.

Currently ready:

  • Cockpit
  • Wings
  • Engines
  • Landing gear
  • Doors and windows


  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchen
  • Payload compartment
  • General details on the fuselage

I’ll see if I can deliver it here in the community by May, finalizing all these items above. The aircraft is very stable in flight whether heavy or light. And this time the wings do not break when you make a sharp turn. If you want to see a version 100% dedicated to cargo here on the site just ask in the comments.

Any suggestions, feel free to give your opinion 🤠




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