Rev 1.0 - April 2024
After 3 months in the works, i am proud to present THE GUIDE, the self-proclaimed builder's bible.
This document should contain everything you need to get started making beautiful rockets in the game, from basic instructions to less-basic concepts.
Aircrafts and space probes are not covered - Anyone is free to make their own guide for these two topics!
I have paid close attention to make the chapters as easy to navigate as possible, as simple in concept, and as helpful as can be.
This guide is not finished, and will never be- It will be constantly updated, with helpful tips, more information, corrections, and things i find worth putting in it.
My goal here is not to get everyone to build the same, so i don't go too far into style. Everyone has their own style of building, you just have to find it.
@iwillsingGH To Download/Open the file, click on the blue "THE GUIDE" letters. It'll redirect you to a google document
@ExcaliburAerospace @Alex1103
very nice, thanks for sharing
there is one picture like the 3rd from the bottom wich is a twin engine upper stage where can I find that craft
I've been waiting years for someone to do this. Thank you!!!
This is pretty awesome!
@DrooianSpaceAgency your right, I only spend 5 or 6 minutes on the crafts I make
@DrooianSpaceAgency what do you mean by that
Wonderful! I've always wanted to learn how I can create my own spacecraft in order to..well.. explore the Solar System and I am quite sure that this would be of great use to me!
@Baconpal Click "THE GUIDE"
How do i down;oad the document
This is VERY good for new builders
This guide is prob a guide for new ppl to build coooooooool rockets
@Alex1103 click the blue ''THE GUIDE'' text on the post.
How tf needs that?
how to download
Can you add a new section to the file related to vissy?
I really appreciate you having the opportunity to create this guide. thank you so much
Wheres the guide
It's a guide for making your vehicles 'pretty'.
@astrospace445 It is made with new builders in mind. Basic concepts are explained in great detail
@CardZlol 【一套在JNO中帮助提高作品质量的教程-哔哩哔哩】
done here