
The Problem

So, I assume most Planet Makers know that Basic Arithmetic A+B can be used to combine two noises into one, making it incredibly useful for making complex detailed terrain and many other uses, but this method normally only allows two noises to be combined and trying to add more by copying the Basic Arithmetic and feeding it into another one gets real messy really quick (see image below), making things very confusing very fast if you aren't keeping track of everything you're doing, and even worse making it hard for anyone who has downloaded your planet to understand how anything works.

The Solution

Expressions are scary high level planet maker stuff that's basically another language, is what you likely think if you've only ever seen them used that way, but here I will show a simple way to use them to solve the problem mentioned at the start of this post.

In the image below you can see an expression consisting of three numbers all encased in square brackets with plusses in between, this acts the exact same way as a Basic Arithmetic A+B and all only takes up one row on the data flow.

You can add up to ten data inputs in whatever position you want as the number in the square brackets only signifies its position in the ten channels of the data flow, as seen below:

With this technique combined with the right masks, remaps, warps, and other modifiers you can make some unique, beautiful, and (hopefully) fun to explore terrain:

Leave any questions in the comments below.
If you know of any other uses of Expressions please share your knowledge in the comments below (or even make your own tutorials) as I want these tutorial posts to be as educational as possible.



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    3,353 Kaeya

    This will likely be the only tutorial in the Expressions series for a while because this outlined basically everything I know, I will make more tutorials as I learn it though so this won’t be the last.

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    1,045 67milo

    I dont like those noodle shapes on last picture

    11 months ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    also another thing:
    some of the other things in basic arithmetic — subtraction, multiplication, division, etc — can be emulated in the expressions by using their symbols — minus (-), asterisk (*), slash (/), respectively, for the above mentioned ones — however it may not always produce the same results as basic arithmetic
    but as said below, there's also a few others, like pow (exponents; idk if pow(x,y) works the same as x^y, haven't tried it), clamp (from what i know it seems to "fix" a range within 2 numbers? it's kinda hard to explain, not sure on that one), the min and max stuff, i've even seen sin and cos being used, which is far away from my knowledge

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    once W tutorials like this take off, i think we could be getting a new golden age of planet building

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    3,353 Kaeya

    @Hyperant What do you mean by collaborate? Like, how will the collaboration work?

    1.2 years ago
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    15.8k Tallisar

    I love it! Also, can we collaborate on this?

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    I view expressions as basically FT for planets. Most times, it is basic arithmetic and algebra, but it does contain functions such as max(), clamp(), and more.

    +1 1.2 years ago


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