
  • volumetric clouds (with shadows)
  • enter and exit points in an SOI are marked with a cool circle that expands or shrinks
  • interstellar travel
  • stuff everywhere like rocks/grass/trees
  • you can make your own bases to launch rockets on other planets
  • dust ring particles (i think)
  • fancy spacesuits
  • more stock parts (that you can color) so it’s easier to build certain things
  • cool effect where kerbals will violently shake during launch
  • a ui element that lets you know where your craft is pointing exactly (it isn’t the navball)
  • planets have axial tilts
  • a lovely countdown and notifications in kerbalish
  • fancier user interface (in my opinion)
  • you can drill for resources and convert them into fuels
  • props


  • a lot of bugs (but they’re being fixed fast)
  • bendy joints that cause noodle rockets
  • loads slower
  • a little more difficult using the navball to know where you’re pointing (at least for me)
  • a lot more expensive ($49.99) (but it’s single-purchase) and will become more expensive in the 1.0 release



  • a surplus of UGC (user-generated content) which you can use in the game
  • easier to make planets and systems without having to create a mod
  • nav sphere where you can easily point exactly where you want to (in my opinion)
  • cheaper than KSP2 (~ $12.99)
  • much less stock parts, but highly customizable
  • much more diverse painting system
  • 1st person view for droods
  • shoot tethers easily without using a mod (i don't know if you can do that in ksp2)
  • mobile compatible
  • droo has 1 more moon than kerbin does
  • loads way faster


  • career mode only works in the default juno system
  • droods aren’t as cute as kerbals
  • no props (except for parallax), not even clouds (quadsphere doesn’t count)
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    @alligatorlloki @CookieBoy100 @RudimentaryCheezit @Watermelon0254 @Aludra877 @OrionSpaceCenter @Periodic @wabuilderman @BeastHunter @Zenithspeed @Luckwut happy New Year’s, everyone

    1.1 years ago
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    JNO JNO JNO JNO JNO SR2 SR2 SR2 SR2 SR2👍. ksp2 ksp2 ksp2 ksp2 ksp2 ksp2 ksp2👎** ksp2

    1.1 years ago
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    JNO is a chad

    1.6 years ago
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    i got ksp 2 and got bored of the noodle effects destroying everything so i’m waiting for it to “incubate”

    1.8 years ago
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    KSP2 may be a little buggy and stuff like that...
    But it WILL get better than JNO... Eventually

    1.8 years ago
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    2,759 Aludra877

    I only wish that u can pick rocks on asteroids or on planets or even mine resources like in KSP, also I want trees in the earthlike worlds pls lol

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    2,759 Aludra877

    Prolly JNO, idk if in KSP If u can make ur own planets

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @Hatsya true

    1.9 years ago
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    @OrionSpaceCenter Agreed, but it just needs some more features

    1.9 years ago
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    To be honest, with where KSP2 is in development at the current moment, it isn't a competition between JNO and KSP2, it's between JNO and modded KSP1. KSP1, once modded, can do a lot more than either. But there is something to be said about the features/stability of JNO in comparison to the original KSP. KSP has experiments that your kerbals can run. Plus, if you use the ScanSat mod, you can have satellites make detailed maps of planets - tracing a path across the surface based on their orbit. Those two combined give a lot of fun things to do in KSP. The objectives in JNO are, in my opinion, not quite as good. Mostly just a 'do X, Y times', which gets quite boring. But JNO also has Vizzy, which is fully integrated into the game (unlike KSP's mod-exclusive 'kOS'). That adds an entire new layer to the game for me, which is one of the main reasons it's my aerospace game of choice for the moment.

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    To be honest.
    Juno is the best game

    +5 1.9 years ago
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    2,959 BeastHunter

    @SamTheFox Exactly. Too many cons to type.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    2,959 BeastHunter

    Literally half of the pros for Kerbal Scam Program 2 aren’t implemented yet. You can manual burn in Juno, and you didn’t mention performance.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    @SamTheFox ehhh kind of
    at least you can do it on mobile

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    isn't xml editing technically modding?

    1.9 years ago
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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    for JNO you could also add
    - a lot more customizability (since everything is paintable to any color
    - XML editing of craft, planet, etc files lets you do virtually anything (if you know what you're doing)

    also, you can actually view SOIs in map view now (its a switch on the bottom of the map view's panel) so you should remove that pro in KSP2, but ye

    +3 1.9 years ago
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    read the forum again

    1.9 years ago
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    2,237 Luckwut

    what about performance and system requirements?

    1.9 years ago


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