Hello, i'm new here. been big into KSP for a long time, walked away from it because of issues. Trying to get a handle on this game, and the completely different world i've walked into (game function, community, etc).

Anybody know where i can find proper tutorial materials? Are there prefab parts packs for this game, like with KSP? How come there's no steam workshop for this game? How do i change my profile picture?



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    @Aviator01 used to be not so good at getting stuff into orbit, until i learned how to build my stuff right. As long as i don't do anything wrong, i have no issues getting stuff into orbit. I've got a network of commsats, a station, and some junk orbiting kerbin's moon.

    not taking shots at you.....the space stuff IS pretty hard to get good at....which is why i didn't mess with it a whole lot. Much like with this game, it's all about the aircraft for me.

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    727 Aviator01

    @Numberyellow I’m not saying KSP isn’t fun, it is, but I’ve only gotten to orbit twice in that game because rockets are almost impossible to fly.

    2.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @Numberyellow no problem, you're welcome anytime!

    2.0 years ago
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    @Aviator01 I very much like them both. both games have things they do better than the other. coke, pepsi, Juno, KSP... i like 'em all just fine.

    As far as tutorials go...i'm gonna hafta look some up, but i'm already becoming quite proficient with the creator.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @Hashys Well, thank you, that's very kind. i may hit you up sometime soon.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    727 Aviator01

    The game has very comprehensive tutorials, that’s the best advice I can give you. Also, this game is much better than KSP in my opinion.

    2.0 years ago
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    225 Touhoufan


    I'd looked the rules over... i've not fallen afoul of them, have i?

    I hope you did not run afoul of the rules. I usually put links to the rules as standard way of greeting to make sure newcomers have read and understood the rules. Personally, I want that so the first time they log in, they are redirected to the rules and have to press the “agree” button, located at the bottom of said rules, to activate their account.

    Yes, i'd noticed that you can reshape parts, which is VERY cool.. still the lack of pre-fab parts is a touch disappointing.
    Still a good game, though. really enjoying it.

    The good news, there are some builds containing parts that act like the prefabricated parts in KSP. You can make one yourself (though I suggest using struts for your builds with only using fuselages for fuel tanks and/or other fluid tanks).

    2.0 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    @Numberyellow I was wondering if it was I that broke a rule but I don’t think so!

    2.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @Numberyellow definitely yes, if you want me to help you to recreate the cockpit, you can contact me on discord (Hashy#4106)

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @Hashys after about 7 hours of messing around in the build mode, i was able to mostly re-create one of my KSP aircraft. i say mostly, because of the limited pre-fab parts. i can't replicate the cockpit i used for the original build. I plan to stick with this, because it's a very nice piece of software. I just hope the community grows, as well as the mod scene. this game DESERVES the same kind of large, talented mod scene that KSP has.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @Touhoufan I'd looked the rules over... i've not fallen afoul of them, have i?

    Yes, i'd noticed that you can reshape parts, which is VERY cool.. still the lack of pre-fab parts is a touch disappointing.

    Still a good game, though. really enjoying it.

    2.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @Numberyellow as someone who has played this game for over 3 years already, I can say that in general you don't need mod parts because of the game's flexibility. I've made almost every type of plane, rocket and wheeled vehicle and the only things that I would actually need a mod for are ramjets and a car engine. It's different from KSP, but if you stick around with us and take your time to learn the game then it'll be an awesome experience

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    225 Touhoufan

    When using this site, please read the rules that govern this site to avoid getting into trouble in the future. Hope that helps.
    Simplerockets2 does not have as many prefabricated parts as KSP, but have adjustable parts, allowing you to create more complex creations more easily without having to scale parts up and down and so on. On the other hand, it’s a good game.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    @BM94 Thanks. i actually joined the discord server earlier today. been playing around for about 5 hours, and i picked up enough of how everything works, to build what i was trying to. And it even flies, lol. i can only get better from here.

    While being able to essentially build any part i need, it'd still be nice to have a wider selection of pre-fab parts.

    2.0 years ago
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    @Toinkove -nod- Yeah, i thought about downloading other ppl's stuff, but then figured "screw it", and jumped into the deep end. I'm currently working on replicating one of my simpler designs from KSP, using that as a base to learn how everything works. I'll say, it's a lot easier when you have pre-fab parts like in KSP... like, for instance, this aircraft calls for the use of a set of mod parts.. i don't have them, and don't know how to accurately replicate them. This is one of the reasons i asked if anyone makes mod parts packs for this game. i was hoping to find some parts similar to what i'd used in KSP, as it would make this a build a bit simpler to complete.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    yeah I was referring mostly to the flight aspect of the game, my understanding is it's not drastically different the KSP. The building part, well that's a different story! It took me some time just getting used to how the building interface worked (all the little screens like "parts connection" tool and "symmetry mode"). Only after I got a firm grasp on that was able to start making relatively detailed builds that looked good as well as functioned good. It also held me a lot to download crafts other had made so I could really look at them and see how they did this or that and then apply that to my builds.

    2.0 years ago
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    @Toinkove Thanks for the reply, i was starting to feel like i'd sat down in a completely empty room.

    I would describe my mastery of KSP's build system (at least when it comes to aircraft) as "professional". Perhaps i'm biased, but everyone i've ever shown my creations to, has been quite impressed.

    Given that level of experience, i still didn't walk into the game thinking this would be a cakewalk. This isn't KSP...the build system in this game is WAY more robust, sophisticated, and flexible than what i had in KSP... in a lot of ways, it's much better, in some ways, it's worse. I can see similarities, but even simple tasks, such as mounting a jet engine within a fuselage, are a mystery to me. It's both familiar, and completely foreign. Not sure if i'm making much sense...i hope i am.

    Perhaps i just need to spend more time with the game.. After all, i got so good with KSP, by way of trial, error, and a LOT of failure.

    2.0 years ago
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    398 Toinkove

    Sadly there's not a lot good tutorials out there for the game, at least not any I have found. There's a good number of videos but they're often a few years old and the maneuvers/tasks are clumsily performed (nothing I would teach). But I would think if you know KSP you would know what you're doing in this game. I've used a lot of KSP info to help me do things here!

    +2 2.0 years ago


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