Hello, thanks for reading! Normally, during flight, the engines' thrust is uniformly controlled by the throttle, but can't be controlled individually. Is there any way to control the thrust of each engine in vizzy?



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    180 Plasma01

    @windshear No problem!

    2.1 years ago
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    Great!! I made it! I have been bothered by this issue for a long time, but it is finally solved with your instruction. Thank you very much! \ (^ o ^ ) / @Plasma01

    2.1 years ago
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    180 Plasma01

    Yes, using variables in Vizzy.
    1. Make a variable in Vizzy that will be the input for the throttle.
    2. Go to the "Throttle Input" part of the part properties for the engine.
    3. Delete the part that says "Throttle".
    4. Type CommandPodname.FlightProgram.Variablename. Replace CommandPodname with the name of your command pod, and Variablename with the name of the variable that you made in Step 1. Make sure there are no spaces.

    Setting the variable to a number between 0 and 1 will set the throttle of that particular engine to that percent value.

    2.2 years ago

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