I was messing around with an icbm and when I landed I found an unmarked base that’s seems to be an old area or a base that was scrapped in development. It appears to have a hanger, a very terrible runway and the same model of launch pad as the current ones next to the larger launch pad.
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225 Touhoufan
This was a base that used to be the main base BEFORE the game-changing update. I know because I remember playing in this base, having bit of a fun with the interior balconies with misshapen hit points, and so on.
3,690 HorizonsTechnologies
yes while testing a probe atmospheric capsule in the desert I encountered this same base covered in sand. Later I realized it was the DSC from the old droo.
27.1k Zenithspeed
yes, DSC is the "new space center"
and no, the satellites are like little communications dishes scattered around the planet, best way to find them is to just open droo in planet studio and find them using the structure menu
@geotorum -
4,158 geotorum
@Zenithspeed by new space center you mean dsc correct? and are the satellites in orbit or how could I find these
27.1k Zenithspeed
that's the mountain village, it was added somewhat recently
@geotorum -
4,158 geotorum
@Zenithspeed I was also able to find a video of a hidden base in the mountains north west of dsc
27.1k Zenithspeed
there's a few communication satellites scattered around Droo, and also some weird unreadable cursive text on a block and a bench near the new space center
@geotorum -
4,158 geotorum
@Zenithspeed @Lphoungphol I found this when the new solar system/launch facility came out and was going to make a post asking if there was more easter eggs like this but couldn’t figure out how to add photos to forum posts. do you know of any more easter eggs?
127 UniDevelopment
@Ylias so I was messing around with an icbm and I just so happened to create a space program
291 NovaSpaceSystems
That’s the old DSC (Droo Space Center) found in 0.800 and below (i think) it’s buried in the sand right now as an Easter egg.
27.1k Zenithspeed
that's an "easter egg" (video game slang for a hidden secret area by game developers), it is the old version of the current base from older versions of the game, you can load the game in the classic version of the star system, and in that version of Droo you can find the same base
It's actually old droo base. The devs just abandoned them. In Hyperpatch's RSS, you can find many.