I have been staring at this Flanker for quite a while now and I still have no idea how the canard rotators, flaps, ailerons, etc.. have not only an activation group assigned but also craft inputs such as roll and pitch.

The input assigned to the parts of interest are set as "Commandchip.InputController.Rotator" which is also something I have no idea about.

I am only confident that the solution is some complex vizzy stuff that I unfortunately have little to no idea about.

Any help on either the original question or where I can learn more complex vizzy stuff is highly appreciated



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    15.7k Hylo

    @ColonelStriker hahaha no problem I'm glad it's finally working now

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @seventeen I have found my problem

    I thought for some reason that the "CommandChip" part of the Input as its own thing kinda like the "FlightProgram" part. I did not know that "CommandChip" refers to the name of the part that contains the code, and that it also factors in the Space character. In the case of the Flanker, the command chip is literally named CommandChip. I removed the space that is in my command chip in my craft and it just works

    Thanks for the help lmao

    3.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @ColonelStriker okay I see. If you don't mind I'll take my time and see if I can fix it for you

    3.0 years ago
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    @seventeen Currently set to a command chip of my plane. It also has a cockpit but now it isn't used.

    3.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    @ColonelStriker is your main command pod a command chip, space capsule or a cockpit?

    3.0 years ago
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    What do I do to the vizzy part of the code? Right now its just a While loop setting the variable Rotator to whatever the sum of roll and pitch is. The input part of the Rotator part itself is currently "CommandChip.FlightProgram.Rotator". The rotator doesnt move when tested so I still have no idea what to do

    3.0 years ago
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    15.7k Hylo

    It's actually very easy. In vizzy, you have a thing called variables. It is a block with a custom name that can be assigned to anything.
    How it works is that Commandchip refers to where the code is located. You can use the name of the part that has the vizzy program on it, so it is connected to a certain part's name. The inputcontroller is the location within the code if is assigned to (just use CommandChip.FlightProgram , it's much easier).
    Lastly, the Rotator refers to the variable it's assigned to, and in this case, the variable is called Rotator
    P.S. variable blocks are green

    +4 3.1 years ago
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    225 Touhoufan

    You can write funky trees code in an input:
    Roll + Pitch
    In this code, the rotator can rotate with both roll and pitch inputs.

    +2 3.1 years ago

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