Yeah, here you go.
I also use this to keep track of stuff I need to do.
This does get updated sometimes, however I may be late on some things
note: due to the heavy use of formatting, this will often like to break completely

Last updated: 2024 Dec 28


[DONE] - Done (obviously)
[FIN] - Finalizing (almost everything is done but most likely not ready to be uploaded yet, mostly stuff like final testing, taking screenshots, etc.)
[WIP] - Work in Progress
[UPC] - Upcoming (planned and 100% guranteed to be coming)
[PLN] - Planned (most likely will be done in the future, like UPC, but difference is that it's not 100% guranteed)
[PSB] - Possible (might consider doing this but not 100% sure, the idea may be scrapped or moved to PLN/UPC later on)
[ONH] - On Hold (started working already, but shelved for later)
[CNC] - Canceled
[LGC] - Legacy (done, but is outdated and will no longer be worked on)

aight, onto the list now

  • Lamborghini Egoista digital recreation [DONE], revamp [PSB]
  • Koenigsegg Jesko digital recreation [DONE], revamped version 1 [DONE], revamped version 2 [PSB]
  • Digital recreations of the rest of my favorite cars [PSB]
  • The Intruder - a small silver-beige spaceplane that originated from the 90's Amiga demoscene. 4 versions will be made, one based on the 1991 version (you have likely seen it on my thumbnails before), one on the version featured in the demo's unofficial 2008 remake, one on the demo's unofficial 2023 remake, and one that was custom-made by me. 1991 is [DONE], 2008, 2023, and custom version are all [UPC]
  • Star Cruiser - Titular spacecraft from a 1990's Japanese sci-fi game [PLN]
  • Einhänder - Yet another spacecraft from a 90's sci-fi game, but it at least got a US release, and I've been obsessed with that game since November 2023 lol [PLN]
  • Crappy Rockets - intentionally poor quality remakes of popular rockets, however I also try to add my own custom tweaks onto them, all of them are [PSB] for now

    • Sasha (Starship)

    • Soy Sauce (Soyuz & related)

    • Stern (Saturn V)

    • Full Can (SpaceX Falcon series)

    • Dealt With Before (Delta IV)

  • Mortan 1.2 - Total System Overhaul [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.2.1 - God This Is Pain [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.2 Miscellaneous Star Systems (MortanBonus): Pazfigust [DONE], Havron [DONE], Ordearus [DONE], Efidiris [LGC], Spectralis-Diabolis-Unapidas [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.3 - Climate Cleanup [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.4 - Beyond Insanity [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.5 - Looking Back [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.5.1 - Flareout - Mortan and MB updated to include features from updates 0.9.920 and beyond [DONE]
  • Mortan 1.6 - Finality [UPC] - Several revamps to celestial bodies to give them better consistency — old celestial bodies like Gigantus (which hasn't been touched since 1.2) are finally getting long-deserved remakes, alongside a few extra celestial bodies for juicy content, and many others moved or deleted for realism and/or lore reasons. Also the last version of Mortan's long-lasting 1.X versions, before moving onto the 2.X versions.
  • Mortan 2.0 (name TBD) [UPC] - Mortan is getting transferred to the real scale (5x as bigger planets compared to in-game/Juno scale) for better lore accuracy alongside many other fixes and changes to many celestial bodies that desperately need modernization, including renames, total revamps, and lore updates — as my first major public creation on the SR2/JNO site, Mortan is an ancient system with very old things that are different from how I make stuff nowadays. This version aims to modernize the system's planets (including the new scale) and make them a bit more realistic/plausible, while still keeping what made it what it is.
  • Zenith Galaxy (abbr. ZG) [DONE] - In-lore "galaxy system" filled with both normal and strange planets, while also aiming to showcase the diversity of space, with pulsars, brown dwarfs, white dwarfs, and more
  • Zenith Galaxy 1.1 - Exotic Places [DONE] - New "exotic" worlds introduced or added into existing systems, and general changes
  • Zenith Galaxy 2.0 (formerly 1.2) - Beyond The Horizon [DONE] - Total revamp, with much bigger distances between planets, notable changes to every celestial body in ZG, revamped stars, and more than five new star systems added, bumping the total celestial body count to 123
  • Zenith Galaxy 2.0.1 [UPC] - Minor update to fix and/or improve upon stuff
  • Zenith Galaxy 2.1 (formerly 1.3) (no title yet, will host a community poll on the name when the time comes though) [PLN] - Mainly to add more in-lore content, such as the SD 2256 and Genera system
  • Zenith Galaxy 2.2 [PLN] (no title yet) - Adds even further content
  • Zenith Galaxy 2.3 [PSB] - If there's enough ideas i'll make a final version for the 2.X versions
  • Zenith Galaxy 3.0 [PSB] - Transfer to real scale and general changes, likely only in many years from now and very unlikely to happen
  • Vasa X system (merged into ZG) [LGC]
  • Vanar System (real-sized fictional system) [DONE]
  • Vanar 1.1 [ONH]
  • Ehretvar System (2nd fictional but real-sized system) [DONE]
  • Ehretvar 1.1 [ONH]
  • Worand System (3rd fictional real scale system) [DONE]
  • Worand 1.1 (asteroid moons and two new planets) [ONH]
  • Solar System replica (aka VBSS) [DONE]
  • VBSS 1.1 (updated liquid parameters, appearance changes, and some more stuff) [DONE]
  • VBSS 1.2 (general improvements and stuff) [ONH]
  • TRAPPIST-1 system replica (aka VBT1) [DONE]
  • VBT1 1.1 [DONE]
  • VBT1 1.2 (general updates, and modifications to planets to make them more realistic based on the data that JWST has collected, with the older versions being turned into alternate variants) [PLN]
  • Teegarden's Star system replica (aka VBTGS) [ONH]
  • Alpha Centauri system replica (aka VBAC) [ONH]
  • Tau Ceti system replica (aka VBTC) [PLN]
  • Juno System Zenith Edition (JSZE) - Custom rework of the 0.9.920+ Juno System, which I aim to make a mix between the new one and the old one (canceled because I can't keep up with the stock system changes) [CNC]
  • The VB Exostars Expansion Pack (VBESEP) [PSB] - A large expansion pack that takes VBSS and several stars-with-exoplanet(s) systems together in one giant bundle with VBSS's Sun being in the center point; all in real scale, real distances, and hopefully real orientations based on the star's constellation. This is basically the Stellar Neighbourhood system you might've seen on the site but done differently and in the larger scale; that said, it is obvious that this idea was inspired by that system. Current plans for included star systems are: Solar System, Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti, TRAPPIST-1 (first version); the previous + GJ 1214, GJ 667, 55 Cancri, Teegarden's Star (second version); the previous + more to come (third version and onwards); however, it may get canceled due to my file editor no longer being able to access the game's XML files (and with it, stuff needed to achieve the distances and orientations required — this is also why ZG 3.0 and most of the VB systems are unlikely)
  • Caneva System - Yet another real-scale star system, this time for only lore stuff, as it is the system in which a decent majority of Hypernova: Moonlight's story takes place in, notably the habitable planet Stratoterra which was used as a way to "solve" the overpopulation of humanity. Planned to have lots of structures and whatnot (likely more than Worand's Odena) so idk if i'll be able to make it. Right now, in-game, only Selecyn (one of the moons of Stratoterra), alongside Caneva, the star itself, exist, both in an incomplete state. [PSB]
  • XKCD System - A replica of the modified solar system from XKCD's "Solar System Changes" (view here), using VBSS as a base [ONH]

Mortan 1.0 (summer 2021) - Mortan 1.1 - Mortan 1.2 - MortanBonus 1.2 - Mortan 1.2.1 - Mortan 1.3 - Vasa X - ZG - Mortan 1.4 - ZG 1.1 - Vanar - VBSS - Ehretvar - VBT1 - Mortan 1.5 - VBSS 1.1 - VBT1 1.1 - Worand - Mortan 1.5.1 (summer 2023) - ZG 2.0 (summer 2024) - other stuff in the future

  • More proof-of-concept or showcase celestial bodies, or just stuff to mess around in
  • Better versions of the stock planet templates [DONE]
  • POTHAB series: VB scale replicas of existing potentially habitable planets such as Kepler-22b, Kepler-62f, etc. [ONH]

  • Comet Head remake (insanely OP rocket thing) [DONE/LGC]
  • Comet Head improved remake (the previous one was really rushed and I want to do it properly this time) [ONH]
  • Zenith SV80 Macrocosmos Classic V3 (heavy rework of previous "Stormfall"/"Lightning") [DONE/LGC]
  • Zenith SV95 (a successor of and direct improvement on the SV80, both in-lore and in-game; completely new bodystyle while keeping established parts of the original appearance) [FIN]
  • Zenith C99 "Aurora Borealis" AKA "Flying Dorito Of Death" (combat air- and spacecraft based on SV95 frame, looks are heavily inspired by the SR-91 Aurora, a debunked hypothetical aircraft that is deemed as a myth [PLN]
  • Zenith C32 "Hyperstrike" AKA "Gladiator" (official name and semi-official nickname, respectively) (ultra-versatile combat drone spacecraft with visuals based on SV80/SV95 but with a custom frame, ultra-light at 600 kg (standard config but no weapons), fulfills "spammer" role but is built and used like a high-quality "nonspammer" making it extremely effective due to how brokenly OP it is)
  • Zenith C36 "Firestorm" aka "Phalanx" (official name and semi-official nickname, respectively) ("bigger brother" equivalent of C32, used for carrying heavier weaponry, also has cool folding wings that fold vertically into the body when not needed, e.g. storage or vacuum combat)
  • Zenith T35 (mid-sized spacecraft for carrying cargo) [PLN]
  • Zenith CVF36 (experimental craft for testing 2 engine types and is also more unstable than usual Zenith crafts for epic aerobatic stuff) [ONH]
  • Zenith Project Zero (experimental craft for in-lore testing of integrated Ultra-Hyperspeed within normal Hyperspeed thruster) [ONH]
  • Zenith LH90, unofficially nicknamed "Mega Chonker" (formerly known as NE434 with official nickname "Meganerus") [PLN]
  • Zenith Apotheosis Hypercar [DONE]
  • Zenith Apotheosis X (upgraded version of previous Apotheosis car) [DONE]
  • Zenith Apotheosis XR (even further "ultimate" version of ApothX) [PLN]
  • Azimuth MC-48 "Silver Shadow" (Azimuth equivalent to SV80/SV95) [UPC]
  • Azimuth AT-63 Cosinus (large transport craft, comparable to T35) [PSB]
  • Nadir Shinigami (evil-era equivalent to SV80/SV95, used and destroyed in an air battle) [ONH]
  • Nadir Super Shinigami (modern SV80/SV95 equivalent) [ONH]
  • Nadir T12 "The Hunter" (mass-produced "spammer" fighter craft) [PLN]
  • Nadir FCR795 "The Beast" (large spacecraft used as a command center) [PSB]
  • 3CE "Trinity" Joint Craft [PLN]
  • Chronos Wyvern (one of the main crafts used by Chronos peacekeeping organisation, quite unstable, comes in prototype and regular variant) [ONH]
  • Chronos Slipstream (very long and aerodynamic, good speed at the cost of handling) [PLN]
  • Chronos Revolution (forward swept wings with canards, very good handling but restricted to atmospheric flight, basically it's a souped up Su-47 Berkut with a bunch of jammers [PLN]
  • RTAF TUS-81 (expendable high-altitude rocket-powered observation drone, basically a cursed mix of the U-2 and SR-71) [ONH]
  • RTAF TAW-112 (low-cost but effective fighter jet with a unique hexagonal engine style) [ONH]

it's been three years, how crazy is that? :)


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  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    so many of the 2 years ago are STILL NOT DONE?

    9 months ago
  • Profile image
    15.8k Tallisar

    Where is the Lucius System?

    one year ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed ok

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    VB series is a replica-ridden hell

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed what's the replica-ridden hell?

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed ok

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed
    1. i need to get the Vanar System out first, it's so that people can get the feel of the larger scale first before diving into the replica-ridden hell
    2. Vasa X is in Zenith Galaxy, i'm just making it part of ZG rather than it's own system so that i don't have to update VS10 then ZG again, etc., it's just to save time
    3. VBT1 and VBTGS are basically done and need finishing touches, however VBSS still needs lots of things, as for the other systems like Alpha Centauri and Tau Ceti, those will come soon
    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    start making your future vb series!

    3.1 years ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    don't discontinue the vasa x system!

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed why won't you work on your mobile solar system?

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    working on it rn

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed make mortanbonus 1.4!

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    problem is, i've already made a lot of the assets for Mortan 1.4, so it might get delayed but idk

    3.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed also TRAPPIST-1 and Teegarden star system

    3.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed release the VBSS before Mortan 1.4.

    3.2 years ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed finish

    3.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    27.1k Zenithspeed

    i do work on it sometimes, it just depends on my mood
    still need to do some of Saturn's moons, all of Uranus' and almost all of Neptune's moons, as well as Pluto+Charon

    3.2 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,422 PZLAgencies

    can you work on your VBSS Solar System?

    3.2 years ago


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