BN4 has been moved out to the launch pad to get lifted sometime soon onto the launch table. SN20 has had all three Raptor engines and all three Vactor engines mounted meaning it is almost ready. There is a nose cone with payload doors that is possible but unlikely to be the one mounted to SN20. Looking to be late August to mid September launch. Depends on how BN3 goes. Elon says that launch tower is being finished tomorrow. Although that was about a week ago.


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    @CASXA SN20 mounted to the crane now ready to be mounted to BN4. Seemed like they were going to do some tests with Starship and Superheavy before putting them together and launching. Launch may come in two to three weeks depending on if they can get clearance and all tests check out.

    3.5 years ago
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    3,216 CASXA

    @TweedleAerospace Booster in the air now.

    3.5 years ago
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    Sorry booster is being lifted today

    3.5 years ago


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