Hi Everyone!

It's been far too long since I last posted an update on the progress of Enhanced Stock System. However, work has been continuing at a steady pace and it's reached the stage where I can share a bit more news about current and upcoming aspects of the project. In this blog I'll be discussing Planet Studio Tutorials, a sneak peak of ESS 4.0 and system lore. I've shared some of this information and images in the SRC server, but much of it will be new.

Planet Studio Tutorial Series

ESS is evolving into more than just a system, and as part of this I want to make planet editing accessible to more players. Once the current game patch is stabilised (most likely when we get the next beta) I will be making a series of videos on using planet studio. My current plan is for a set of ~20 min live commentary episodes. I'll start with the studio UI and basic editing, then moving onto more advanced techniques and case studies for generating specific terrain types. The videos will be quite information-packed and very basic in editing, but hopefully they will help players get a footing in planet generation so that they can explore it to a higher level.

ESS 4.0 Dev News

I've been putting a lot of hours into the outer system since September, and it's really taking shape. In keeping with the patch's designation, Next Generation, everything about the outer system is taken to a level above previous ESS versions. Let's take a closer look at the declassified bodies:

Disclaimer: Some of the images below utilise boosted graphics settings.

Pollux: Once home to an ancient civilization, this small world was flung into a distant orbit by its encounter with Phoebe. Temperatures across its surface dropped dramatically leaving barren, icy wastelands and frozen oceans. Now only a few traces of its past inhabitants remain in the tholin covered highlands.

The largest of the new additions to ESS, radius 525km, g=2.9m/s2. I can't share too many details about this planet, as there's still a lot of work happening to get it completed. However, exploring Pollux will be unlike any other celestial bodies--and it is large, almost the same diameter as Cylero. Terrain complexity is on a level I haven't attempted before, it will be best experienced in high graphics settings so users with lower performance devices may find they need to reduce their graphics a bit. In terms of appearance, the planet has a lot of different terrain types. There are two connected regions of ice plains with convection cells, lowlands with ridged fracture terrain and steep mountains, and ancient highlands with some large mountain ranges and craters. Pollux has a thin atmosphere which is roughly similar in density to Cylero's, so quite innovative exploration methods should be possible.





Phoebe: The largest moon of Pollux, heavily-cratered Phoebe has a mysterious past. Confirmed to be of a different origin to its larger parent, this rogue moon dragged Pollux into a larger orbit. It still bears scars of its chequered history, including a recent impact site which shows signs of cryovolcanic activity and abnormal radiation levels. Huge grabens cross the terrain, marks of gravitational stresses pulling the crust apart. Some regions are blanketed in tholin deposits ejected from Pollux.

Radius 275km, g=1.27m/s2. Pollux's largest moon, this may be recognisable to some seasoned explorers as a remake of Miros. While it is sad to see Miros leave the Urados system, its place is expected to be taken by a stock moon in the new update so it was left without a home. In addition, this remake brings the moon a lot closer to my original vision and it makes an ideal companion for Pollux. While the terrain is a lot simpler than it's orbital parent there are still many craters and lots of details. This moon would be the ideal place to set up a base from which to observe and explore Pollux. There is a very thin atmosphere produced by active cryovolcanism. Phoebe also boasts a huge crater which still shows some activity today.




ESS Lore

This one is a bit less developed that the other news above. I have been building a storyline into the outer solar system for 4.0 release and I think it might be fun to make a written lore which is released each week as a forum post. It could lead to some collaborative craft designing and sandboxes, I'd be very interested to hear any ideas or opinions on this.

This has been quite a long forum post so I'll end it here, but I look forward to seeing you in ESS 4.0!




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    3,554 vghfr

    I am excited, will download when released

    4.0 years ago
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    480 Paris77


    4.1 years ago
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    Awesome! Can't wait to see the new ESS!

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    11.1k JastroOne1

    Thank you for all the kind comments, I can't wait to share the completed planets with you guys! I should have also mentioned--Pedro has been working on updating some of the other moons so the entire system should have a face-lift in the next version!

    4.1 years ago
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    25.6k HyperPatch

    as a planet editor myself I can confirm that Pollux is indeed gratuitously complex, even more so than the infamous wet Cylero surprisingly enough

    +3 4.1 years ago
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    its place is expected to be taken by a stock moon in the new update

    jastro has le inside knowledge I see

    +5 4.1 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    Niiice! These celestial bodies do indeed look very complex on the terrain, I've never seen such a detailed and perfect use of planet studio on SR2 like this one, good luck on more development moon doge!

    +3 4.1 years ago


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