Can you add weapons like the ones in SimplePlanes so I could make a space shuttle with cruise missiles so can blast up stuff
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108 MrDoolittle
@Tully2001 no, its not like building war planes. but making a space warship would be f—-en awesome. Not having weapons in the vanilla game also alienates the iOS users
636 FlexNoTape
But remember they added car motors and wheels to plane game called “SimplePlanes”. @Tully2001
517 JoshMan
Like @MrTaco said, andrew has said in the past that this is an exploration game, and wont include weapons. However, there will be a modding program "better than SR modder" that will come out post release to make weapons yourself.
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I just want to make a shuttle that could attack mars in orbit then again there is nothing to shoot unless you find curiouty